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  leather jacket?

mm i look badass in this, check!

black shades?

too kool 4 school!1 ok yeah no never say that again finn, and check!

hair messier and curler than usual?

why did i do this? i look like a ball of fluff! anyways, check

finn stood in the mirror, examining his look for the school day

today he was going for more of a "bad boy" look, to show off his newfound confidence, be an absolute tease, and prove to millie she isn't the only one who could play with hearts

ok finn, you can do this. now remember, no melting or looking happy at the sight of her, no attacking her with hugs and kisses, no feeling pity for her, and no smiling at her! teasing finn, only teasing allowed, finn firmly thought, wondering how he was ever going to pull through

millie stared at herself in her locker mirror, absolutely horrified with her face and clothing

millie had dark, purple circles under eyes, and red yet splotchy cheeks

she wore old gray sweatpants, a random white t-shirt, and a hoodie

his hoodie

millie sighed at her appearance, amazed how a boy could bring herself to look like this,

without lipstick and a super cute outfit all girls wish they had

her bestfriend sadie watched from next to her, determined to hype millie up

"come on millie! you are the queen of this school, you cannot put yourself down like this over some stupid boy!" sadie exclaimed, rolling her blue orbs

"it's not that simple! this wasn't just a boy sads! i adored him, hell, i was really beginning to love him!" millie replied

"regardless! now come on, let's change you into something less.. tragic ", sadie said, waving her hands over millies outfit

just as sadie was about to drag millie to the bathroom, a slam of the schools front door caught millie's attention

she turned around and gasped at the sight of him

he walked confidently down the halls, catching dreamy looks from girls and jealous (some dreamy) looks from boys

his leather jacket and shades tucked into his shirt making him look sleek and smooth,

the jungle of black curls all dreamed of running their hands through

a sea of freckles scattered across his defined face, smile more gorgeous than those of any disney prince

no one had noticed him before, not until now, not until confident, charming finn had just now arrived

only millie knew who he was, only millie, feeling as if she was about to break

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