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jack walked around his room, excited for what was to occur today

he was secretly obsessed with millie, but no one knew it

jack walked over to a poster on his wall, ripping it off to reveal a picture of millie

he stroked the picture, quietly whispering

"you'll be mine soon millie bobby brown, all mine"

at school

millie and finn stood leaning against the lockers, giggling and whispering about who knows

this angered jack, but he decided to play nice (nice my ass) and let the pair enjoy their last happy moments together

millie leaned in and pecked his lips, causing finns face to form a goofy yet incredibly happy grin

jacks face flushed red with anger

that little cunt fucker, that should be me

alright, no more mr nice guy, time for payback

jack walked towards the couple, placing both his hands on each of their shoulders and splitting them apart

"hiya happy couple!"

the pair turned to him, rolling their eyes in unison

"what the hell do you want grazer" finn grumbled

"so millie! how's it going with your little experiment toy?" jack asked with a sickly sweet smile, completely ignoring finn

millie suddenly went a ghostly pale, palms starting to sweat

"i-i don't know what you're talking about" millie stuttered

finn just stared at her in confusion, wondering as to why she was so nervous

"oh millie, sweet sweet millie, you're a horrible liar" jack smugly replied, pulling out his phone

"here finn, little taste of reality" jack said handing the phone to finn, pressing play

finn held the phone close to his ear, each word sadie said about millie experimenting for attention stabbing his heart

"looks like little miss millie isn't such a sweetheart after all huh?" jack asked

finn turned to millie with tears in his brown eyes, hot tears already rolling down millies face


"finnie no! i admit, it was like that in the beginning, but everything about you made me fall in love, i really really like you finn, please! don't leave me finnie please!" millie replied, hot tears rolling down her cheeks

"i cant believe you fucking did this! didn't even say shit about the truth" finn sniffled

"i-i didn't want to lose you! please please please finnie don't leave me" millie sobbed

it hurt finns heart to see her in pain, making him want to hug her and tell her everything would be alright

but he just couldn't, not this time

"didn't wanna lose me eh? well guess what, you just did. i am done with you millie bobby brown, done! "finn shouted, running out the door

jack walked away and smirked at his plan working, watching millie drop to her knees and cry


finn burst into his room and slammed the door, causing the pictures on his wall to shake

he sat on his bed and sobbed, crying till there were no more tears left

finn dosent cry over girls, but this time was different, and it sure hit him hard

he truly believed someone like millie, so beautiful and popular, could love a lonely boy like him

under the huge grudge he had against her, he's always had this admiration for her that would never go away

she looked beautiful showing up to a party

gorgeous walking down the halls

radiant playing with her little sister in the park

the list goes on

but finn wasn't going to let her play with his heart, no matter how much he liked her

tomorrow at school would be different, he'd walk the halls with confidence, ready to face the girl who broke his heart

millie sat locked in her bathroom, sobbing and shaking on the floor

she shuddered as finns words replayed over and over in her head

millie loved finn with her whole heart, and was incredibly upset at herself for doing this

she thought she'd just get his attention pried onto her and leave him, but she was so so wrong

millie fell in love with everything about him,

his intelligence

his gorgeous face

his ability to make her nervous and make butterflies swarm her stomach

his neediness for her affection

once again, the list goes on

she wasn't ready to face him tomorrow, not ready to see what she had done to him

millie was bound to win him back, she just to figure it out some how

alright mills you got this! if you can trick finn into fake tutoring you, then you can win his heart back, millie thought to herself, a tear slipping from her eye at the fake tutoring memory


the two slipped into bed, thinking of each other, hearts aching

i love you, please come back to me, finn and millie thought, drifting off into a deep sleep, dreaming about how their life could've been if millie hadn't screwed up

  the two has nearly just met, but there was no doubt in their love, no matter how broken it was

  fuck this was real sad guys pls don't hate me

    good things will come soon i promise

  thought you probably want to throw me out a window, hope you enjoyed!

xoxo ana

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