The boys :chapter 0.5

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black hair
Dark blue eyes
Oldest out of the four brothers
Try's his best to keep his small family together and out of trouble. Even when they were with their parents he would try to make sure everything was fine but Raph was hard to control since their a year apart. Leo got verbally abused by his father. He had to grow up fast for his brothers sake
Dark brown hair
Bright green eyes
Second oldest out of the group of boys. Raph was abused by the brothers real father. Whenever someone new comes around he has trust issues and is afraid. Raph has a scar on his chest from getting burned with something mettle.
Light brown hair
Maroon eyes
Second oldest and tallest out of the group. Donnie was always the one to correct his father when he knew he was right. His father hurt him because of this.
Blonde hair
Baby blue eyes
The baby of the bunch. Mikey was is childish and was  abused by their father from the age of 8 months when he learned to speak. Their father would hurt Mikey more if he cried at all. Their mother just stood their and watched as all of these things to happen to them and it only got worse when she died.

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