Chapter 10

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Night 5 part 2

I arrive at work at 11:48PM, tired beyond belief. I felt like I was going to fall asleep at my desk again but I have to force myself to stay awake because of Golden Freddy's warning 'Be warned that tonight we well try extra hard to kill you.' I walk into the pizzeria while rubbing my eyes to get the sleep out of them. I had trouble falling asleep and staying asleep in general because of nightmares. Nightmares of the ghost kids dying, the night guards before me dying, Chica biting my arm on repeat, the fazbears catching me, killing me for whatever reason they had, the car accident that took my birth parents from me.

A few bits and pieces of the last one stood out to me. Like the moment before the bite, I saw one of the ghost kids there next to Chica, and seeing Golden Freddy and the others even Mr. Owens standing by my hospatil bed, at least to me in the dream it felt like it was them there, but after that blank, nothing at all. Before I came here I was pacing back and forth in my room think about everything I knew about the pizzeria and the accident, and what Mr. Owens told me. It felt like he wasn't telling me something else but what was it? Did he maybe know my parents and or me from before now? Or was it just that one time that appeared in my dream?

Did....maybe Golden Freddy tamper with my memories like he did with Lusy's? Maybe....I'll never know unless I ask but for now I have to stay awake and survive until 6. I was pacing in my office trying to keep myself awake and it wasn't even midnight but I still heard crying coming from the kitchen. I knew it was Chica because none of the others ever go in there. Hearing Chica's cry was braking my heart. I had rights to not trust her anymore, to be I guess maybe afraid of her but I still felt guilty that I caused her to cry. I heard Freddy's westside story tough guy like voice speak to Chica through the door.

"Chica please come out. You been in there ever since the other employees left. I know you are upset about hurting Rose but you have to help us kill her. You know what happens when we don't kill a night guard by tonight. Please Chica. Who knows after tonight she well quit and we won't have to go through it....until the next night guard" He said sadly. "NO! I'm not coming out Freddy. I can't face her. I betrayed her and hurt her. Both pyshically and emotionally. She may not even want to see me anymore after last night. She must be fearful of me. You saw how she looked at me with fright in her eyes! She's scared of me. She doesn't like me anymore..I'm no longer her favorite....I hurt her....I don't decerve her as a friend. I lied to her about who I was. I told her true facts about me but now she must think those were all lies just so she lowers her guard so we could kill her." she said still crying.

Hearing everything she said broke my heart farther. I knew that what she said about my thoughts were true but now....maybe she wasn't lying. Maybe she really wanted to be my friend...but I'll never know until I ask her.

The midnight clock chimes toll and the game begins. The phone rings and I look at it confused, knowing for a fact that the guy on the phone died last night so who was calling? The ringing ends and all I hear was a weird languge and sounds playing. I half thought I fell asleep again at my desk so I slammed my hand down as hard as I can on the desk and I as soon as my hand made contact with the desk I felt hot burning pain blister through the palm of my hand, telling me I was awake but a bit more alert because I heard Bonnie coming.

"Chica. You do realize she may have heard you right? She has hieghtened hearing. She must have heard everything." Freddy said to Chica whos cries went silent, she must have realized that it was in fact true. I heard everything. "Look I'm going to start hunting Rose. Stay in there or not but remember Chica we need you to help us kill her." He started to make his way he as I close the door on Bonnie. As soon as Freddy got close I closed the door. I haven't opened the other door yet because Bonnie was still there. This was going to be long before I could go talk with Chica.

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