Chapter 30

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Wolf's Mate

As Goldie was searching for a dehumidifier for Rose, the person watching from the window, quitely opened it and climbed in. The person stood in front of the window with a smile on their face as they heard the attic hatch open with a creek and heard Goldie climb up the steps, then walking around the attic. They took a deep breath before looking over at the sleeping sick wolf. They smiled as they kneeled down to Rose's side and gently petted them.

"Poor Rose. Sick with a terriable bug. Oh but don't worry sweetie. My love well make you all better." they said before kissing Rose's cheek then standing up. They looked over to Rose's desk and glared at the empty picture frame and oragmi rose. They walked over and ripped the paper rose to small pieces, leaving to fall to the floor or on the desk. They picked up the empty frame and opened it up before placing an old picture inside it and closing it up. "There. All better. Now when Rose sees this, all she'll do is think of me." the person sighed happily before going back to the sick wolf. They kneeled down beside her and started to pet her head. "Such a sweet wolf. You don't need to concern yourself with the taint from that pizzeria. It well just ruin you." They said before stopping when Rose, grunted and turned on her side, her back facing the intuder.

"Hmm...oh so sweet wolf, do you remember our little dances? You were so strong and powerful as you guided me. I was your helpless prey and I let it happen. I admit I got high off the feeling but I took it for granted. Don't worry my powerful wolf we shall be one again." They said with smile as they took out a marker from their pocket and lifted Rose's sleeve. They started to draw a picture of a wolf's head on her arm but stopping half way when they heard Goldie coming down the attic steps. They panicked and quickly put the marker away, put the sleeve back down and carefully took Rose's wolf head necklace before going back to the window and climbed out, making sure to close it after them.

Goldie came back into the room a few minutes later with a filled up dehumidafier. He plugged it into the wall socket near Rose's bed and placed it on the nightstand. He stood there over her with a soft, caring smile but turned around to leave the room. He happend to look over the desk and stopped in confusion when he saw something off with it. "What the?" He asked himself as he walked over and saw the paper rose, torn to pieces and in the once empty picture frame held a picture. He panicked and went over to Rose. "Rose! Rose wake up!" He called out, shaking Rose awake. She groand in response before waking up. "What up Gold?" She asked with a yawn and he noticed her necklace was gone. "Rose. I think your ex got in." he said, causing Rose to look up at him in fright. "What?" "I said your ex got in. She must have got in when I was looking for this." he pointed to the dehumidfier. "We have to call the cops!" Rose said as they both went out of the room, downstairs to the phone.

Rose's POV

Me and Goldie called the cops and were right now, in the living room, waiting for them to get here. "I shouldn't have left you alone just to find that damned dehumidfier. I'm such an idiot! You said you saw her outside but we didn't! I should have believed you but what Bonnie said made sence and you even agreed." Goldie said. "Goldie. Stop blaming yourself. We both couldn't have known. Plus you had JUST said it yourself, Bonnie had a point when he said sometimes sick people see things that aren't there. We all know my bio is different and very under the weather. I could have easily imagned Lusy there when in fact she wasn't." I said to him and he looks at me worried.

"Goldie it's not your fault, we all make mistakes. It's just what makes us, us. It shows you are more human then animatronic then you know." I said to him as I place a comforting hand on his shoulder. He smiles at me softly before hugging me. "Little Rosey. You sure have grown. We, all of us at the pizzeria just sometimes can't get over that fact." he said as he moved back until he was arm's length away. "When I first saw you, I was curious as to who you were, when Chica told us about your wolf features, I had a clue, but after that one night when you fell asleep, was when we all knew, for Chica, I think sooner but we knew. It was killing us that you didn't remember even though I made that so, and that we had to kill or scare you off, but when you said you remembered us, and wasn't scared, made us all the more happier but still sad becuase of.." He trailed off.

"Because of Night 6. Yeah. That night. I got lucky when I did. Real lucky, but I'm glad that I was when it came down to it. I got to save you and everyone else. As I told Chica, I was scared, not for me but for everyone, the kids, and the future night guards after me. I knew the risks and I took them to save everyone. You guys are more then my friends, you are my family like my mom said." I told him and smiles at me with tears running down his face. I was shocked to see him like this because I never seen him cry, or be vulnerable, always saw him as a strong person, but then again, they see me as such before I became sick. I hugged him. "See this is one of the reasons why sometimes, me and everyone else can't get over the fact that you've grown and changed. Even after the house party we were shocked. Sometimes we all wonder, where did the little girl we once knew has gone to? Where is she? Who is this young woman standing in her place?" He said.

"She is still here Gold. That little is still around and she loves you and everyone else as always. She's here watching out for you, when you need help." I said with a crack in my voice, telling me and Goldie I was on the verge of crying as well. "We know. I know Rosey. She is. She is and she has turned into an amazing person. She is still here and is a stop along memory lane." He said. We held each other, comforting the other as the police and the detective working the case came by to get our statments and collect evadenice. "Even though this is not much, it's still valuble for the case. Also you are now free to wash the marker off your arm. Anyway, you both have a good day, and try to relax after this experence." the detective said before they all left.

"Well now that is over with. I'm tired as hell so, I'm going back to bed. We can worry about telling the others later." I said. "Alright Rose. Sleep well." Goldie said while ruffling my hair. I laugh before heading upstairs to bed and fell asleep. I could tell that mine and Gold's converstaion really helpped him alot. He and the others needed to get stuff off their chest after all the years of being forced to kill guards. And this stalker problem, is not easy, but so long as we all stick together, then we all can make it through it.

'The gang really cares about me as I care for them. I believe we can all work our problems out over time. I know that, even though they trust me, they are still wary of telling me. I get that. We all have been apart for so long, so for them I'll wait for them to come to me. I won't force them to tell me. I'll be there when they need a reset, a new life.' I thought as I locked my window then layed down on my bed and fell asleep.

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