tuesday, may 14, 2016, 12:31 P.M.

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the following was footage of a news report following the unfortunate event happening at wentsworth secondary school. viewers discretion is advised.

hello, and welcome back to the wentsworth news, channel 21, my name is holly lyn chester. i am here on the scene of the wentsworth secondary school shooting where the scene has considerably cleared out as adults and students are transported to hospitals and to homes.
i am here with the police chief who has been throughly investigating the scene, mr. parker wright.
mr. wright, can you tell us what you have seen today?
"well, holly... i've seen hell. it's truly heartbreaking what me and the rest of the force and the medical proffesionals and everyone included has seen today. it's probably one of the worst cases i've seen in the eleven years i've been in this business. i cannot even begin to explain the terror these kids went through today, the aftermath was most likely nothing compared to being there in the moment."
i agree, it is heart-wreching just hearing about it. can you tell us what you and the forces are doing right now?
"we are currently looking back at early surveillance images and videos from this morning before the shooting, trying to decipher what might've happened beforehand. we are looking through and spotting where the two suspects were at before the shooting, and trying to see if there wasn't some sort of motive. with the school's security cameras, there is unfortunately no audio included, just the visual view, so it will be quite difficult to hear what was being said if they were to saying anything this morning, or if they talked to one another. nothing is in right now, but we will deliver information as it is discovered."
okay, we will be streaming when it delivers. and lastly, mr. wright, can you tell us your opinions on the events that transpired in the last few hours?
"well... i mean, what is there to really say? it's all laid-out for you. it's absolutely sickening and terrifying what happened today, and my heart goes out to every student, every teacher, every family member, every friend, and anybody else who this may have affected. i myself cannot begin to imagine the horrror this has brought onto the people at this school."
thank you, mr. wright.
"it's no problem."
we will be back with more information as it comes in, now back to your regularly-scheduled-program.

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