Geeks, Freaks, and Wannabees

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"Geek, freak, wannabe. Which one are you?"


Kyle POV:

Geek. A person often of an intellectual bent (natural tendency or urge to act or feel in a particular way) who is disliked. Freak. A person who expresses such an intense obsession with something that it resembles addiction. Wannabe. A person who wants or aspires to be someone or something else or who tries to look or act like someone else.

I was called all three of those names. Mostly freak, as well as weird, since most people didn't now what geek meant.

"I... I..."


"Maybe "I" means he's all three, Annie."

"Here's one. Get lost freak." Annie said to me, as she and her cheerleader friends, Jayden and Lilia walked away from me, taking the bag out of my hand.

"Your welcome Kyle, for returning your bag that you left in class." I told myself, since I didn't get a thank you.

That's how my life is around these parts. I'm Kyle Richards, a 15 year old freshman, and I hate it here.

Oak Park Secondary School, my high school, is possibly the worst place to attend. All the other students are either dumb jocks, superficial airheads, or peppy but snobby cheerleaders. I remember walking through these doors September morning. I got hit with a football in the head the first day, and got my gym clothes stolen.

What's worse than that? My best friend, Caleb got pulled out of school by his parents, and got placed into a private school, leaving me here to survive in this small town for three years. I spend time counting down the days until I can go somewhere and meet some people I actually like, and mesh with, who are not these high school stereotype wannabees around me.

Wannabee. I guess some people are wannabees after all.

"Hey, Richards. Why were you talking to be girl?"

"I was just...."

"Just what?"

Asher. You would think someone with the last name Angel would be an 'angel'. Wrong, he's a literal a**h***. Fits the jock stereotype perfectly. Can there ever be a nice or decent jock?

"Just what Richards?!" Asher shouted and spat in my face again.

"Giving her bag back to her. She left in in class." I calmly replied, not knowing what was coming for me next.

He gave me a heavy punch in the stomach. "Bulls***." he called out in my ear. "I never thought I would have to give you this warning. Back up from my girl."

Oh, and his girl. Annie LeBlanc. I cannot stand her. She's like the tick that will get under your skin. Rumor starter. Posts everyone's low on the internet. Quote on quote 'the cheer team's future'. The worst part of all of this is that she's the mayor's daughter. Get's whatever she wants. Don't make that pretty face of hers trick you.

What happened to that girl? She used to be so nice in middle school, to everyone. It's like once she stepped through the halls of Oak Park, he got a whole new ego.

"Got the whole thing!" I heard Jack, Asher's friend, say to him. That means he recorded everything. Wow.

I could hear the laughter around me in the hall, as I fell to the ground. I was used to it at this point, but it didn't mean it didn't hurt just like every time.

"Angel, back up." someone said in the distance to Asher. It was my uncle, Principal Kenai Richards, my mom's brother. He was a former athlete at this school. Someone who was actually good at their craft, and had a high GPA to get into Howard University.

"You're uncle won't be able to protect you for long enough." Asher said shoving Kyle back onto the locker. "Watch your step."

"My office now!" Uncle Kenai ordered Asher. Asher moved off, as my uncle took my hand, and pulled me up. "You good? What'd he do to you?"

"It's nothing Uncle." I lied, still holding my stomach.

"You're holding your stomach tight." he told me. "You need to go to the nurse."

"I can wear it off." I said, trying not to make any more of a scene than it was. "He just warned me to stay away from his girl."

"Girl? You Kyle Richards, are looking for a girlfriend in the place you hate the most? Damn."

"Sshh!" I shushed my uncle. "And no, I'm not. All I did was return Annie's bag to her. Didn't even get a thank you."

"I feel bad for you son. Ever since Gloria pulled Caleb out of Oak Park, it's been rough on you. I hope you can at least get one friend my the end of the school year."

"Hope. More like never."


It was 2:30. School's over for the day. Luckily I was able to get out before the football team made there move towards the field. Usually the way home was quiet, after leaving school. It was a good time to clear my head. Today it wasn't.

I stumbled on Asher getting into a huge argument with his girlfriend Annie. I quickly turned around, avoiding the situation, but as I did so, I kept hearing calls of help from Annie.

"Stop! Let go of me! Let go of me!" she kept repeating to him.

"Just shut up and come with me." he said to her.

"Don't turn around. Don't turn around." I repeated to myself. "Stay out of this. It's not your problem."

"Asher. Let me go home!"

I turned around. F***.


A/N: First Chapter. Comment if you like it so far.

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