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A/N: Thanks for the positive feedback on Quotev. Here's a new chapter.


Annie POV:

"You're Annie LeBlanc. You need to focus on bigger things."

"Homecoming? There are bigger things than homecoming, Jayden." "Like being the first freshman at Oak Park to be Cheer Captain."

I'm Annie LeBlanc. I'm 14, soon to be 15, and today I was selected to be Captain of the Cheerleading Team. This is a big responsibility for me, and I can't let down my coach and teammates.

I'm glad my dad, William (Billy) LeBlanc, the mayor of Oak Park, allowed me to go here instead of that toxic private school down in Los Angeles. My mother insisted I go there, since she went there. But, after a lot of convincing, I got to attend this school, and found a group I could connect with.

Jayden and Lilia. Two of the best people anyone could have asked for. Lilia is the one that convinced me to join the cheer squad, since I used to dance. Sadly, my friend Katie couldn't join me here. She was unable to convince her parents from sending her away to boarding school. That is what led me to move towards bigger and different things.

"Like being Captain of the Cheer Team?" Lilia squealed.

"I can't wait to tell my dad. My mom is going to be upset as h*ll." I squirmed. My mom thought cheerleading was such a bad idea. Now since I'm captain, she going to have to keep that opinion to herself, while I thrive.

"Why? Because you didn't go to her perfect little private school?" Jayden joked.


"Don't look now, Annie. Kyle is coming towards you." Lilia whispered to Jayden and I.

"Ugh, he's so odd." I sad to them. "What is he? A nerd or a geek?"

"I don't know the difference. Everyone just calls him a wannabee. He tries to act like a certain crowd, so they'll accept him." Lilia explained to me.

"Really I heard the boys call him a freak." Jayden added.

"Ssshh." I shushed the girls, as he slowly approached me.

"Annie. Hi." he nervously said, looking at me. "You... you left you bag in class."

"Oh." I replied. I didn't even realize I left it. Must have slipped my mind. "So, geek, freak, wannabe. Which one are you?"


"You heard me?"

"I... I..."


"Maybe "I" means he's all three, Annie." Jayden butted in and said.

"Here's one. Get lost freak." I told him, as I took my bag from him, and walked away. Jayden and Lilia quickly followed.

"Wow Annie. I didn't think you were going to call him that."

"He was getting on my nerves. We have places to be."


"Girls look at this." Lilia out of the blue said to Jayden and I in Study Hall. She showed us a video of Asher punching Kyle in the stomach, nearby my locker. When did this happen?

"What did he do to p*ss off Asher?" Jayden chuckled.

"I have no idea." Lilia laughed as well.

"That happened today?" I asked the girls, they nodded.

"Right after he came to our lockers." Lilia pointed out.

"Maybe that's why Asher went for the freak." Jayden joked. "Someone's boyfriend is over-protective."

"Shows him who to talk to, and who not to talk to." Lilia added.

Wait. Why did he come to my locker again? It couldn't come to my mind why he came to my locker, until I looked down on my bag. The boy brought back my backpack to me.

"Your welcome Kyle, for returning your bag that you left in class." I remembered Kyle saying in the distance, as I walked off, after calling him a freak to his face.

"I should have told him thank you." I said under my breath. Lilia and Jayden turned and looked at me puzzled.

"For what?" Jayden asked.

"Never mind." I said, disregarding the matter.

I need to find Asher after this session. I need to ask him why he attacked Kyle. This can't be true. There has to be another reason.


It was 2:30. School was over today, and no cheer practice was being held today. Coach has places to be. This gave me the perfect opportunity to talk things out with Asher.

"There she is." I heard him say from behind me, lifting me up.

"Hey." I replied, as he kissed me.

"I heard you're the captain of the cheer team now. Congrats!"

"Thank you."

"I missed you today."

"Look, I saw the video." I changed the tone of the conversation.

"What video?"

"Of you beating up Kyle."


"Asher, all he did was return my bag."

"I saw him talking to you. You looked uncomfortable." Asher stated, which he was false about. "That trash bag needs to know who to talk to and not to."

"You're over-reacting Asher. Just go tell him sorry, and we don't have to talk to him again." I told him. He gave me a bizarre and shocked look.

"So I must go show sympathy to some weirdo who was clearly trying to hit on my girlfriend? He probably took your bag, just to talk to you."

"Don't make this situation worse than it already is."

"You see that's the problem Annie. This wasn't a situation." Asher said. "What about you? You called him a freak, which he certainly is?"

I did call him that, because... he was getting on my nerve. UNTIL I knew why we was talking to me. Why was I so blinded?

I looked up at Asher and didn't respond.

"See!" he said confidently. "Let me just drop you home."

"It was a mistake I should have never made." I told him, still standing in my place, as he turned to his car.

"Man, I don't want to hear it from you." he hissed at me.

"Look, we just both have to apologize...." I started saying again to him, but he snapped at me

"Annie I said NO!"

Everything around me stopped. I didn't believe it when it happened. He just slapped me. As a brought back up my head, I saw him in awe at what he just did.

"Annie.... I...."

"Don't." I pointed my finger at him, moving away from the area.

"Please Annie. I'm sorry. Let me help you." he grabbed my arm tightly and begged me.

"Stop! Let go of me!" I kept on repeating to him. "Let go of me!"

"Just shut up and come with me." he snapped at me again. Boy, his anger issue is a problem. "Let's resolve this."

"Shut up?"


"Asher. Let me go home!" I cried out once more, not expected what happened next.


A/N: Tell me how it is so far.

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