Take Me Home

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A/N: Here's the update you all demanded. Thanks for all the comments on both Wattpad and Quotev.

Third Person POV:

"Oomph!" came out of Asher's mouth, as Kyle hit him under his jaw, causing him to loose balance. A distraught Annie quickly stepped back, as Asher tried to regain his balance. Looking up and seeing who it was, the blood inside of him started to boil, like an egg cracked on a hot summer day's sidewalk. "You." Asher said with a deep breath.

Kyle stepped back as Asher swung at him. Four times, three with right hand landed on his shoulder and a left hook in the face. Kyle stumbled back, holding his jaw, as Asher charged at him again. Shrugging his shoulder, he quickly got up at tackled Asher to the ground.

"STOP! STOP!" Annie cried as the two kept tackling one another.

Asher struck Kyle in the face again, right in the very same area as before. Kyle managed to block the next punch with his right forearm and was able to counter which knocking him in the nose, before getting up, off the ground.

"She told you to leave her alone, and you kept harassing her! Just get up an go, Asher!" Kyle stood before and shouted at him. "GO!"

Looking over, Asher reached for the empty glass bottle, that was laying on the sidewalk, near a recycling bin. Annie saw him grab it, as he got up, and quickly intervened.

"NO!" Annie screamed as she grabbed the bottle. "Go Asher! Go!"

Asher looked at his former girlfriend, standing up for the person he hated the most. Out of nowhere, he smashed the glass bottle by throwing it directly to the ground, leaving glass to shatter everywhere.

"Don't bother show your face tomorrow Richards." Asher pointed at Kyle, over Annie's head. Kyle just shook his head, as Asher got back into his car. Before driving off, Asher looked up at Annie, and said, "And you! I don't even know where to start with you."

After Asher took off, the stern look on Annie's face quickly broke. Stepping away from the glass to sit on the curbside, she cracked, she broke down into tears. Behind all that anger she showed him awhile ago, were tears of distraught.

Flowing out her eyes on the curbside, she caught Kyle's attention. He didn't know how to react, since he'd never been in such a situation. He and Annie already disliked one another, but that kindness in his hear started to overcome whatever hatred he had.

Slowly, Kyle squatted next to Annie, keeping silent, until she noticed he was in her presence.

"Why are you still here?" she looked up and asked, wiping the tears from her face.

"Oh, uh. I thought you'd...." Kyle started to explain, but hesitated. "I'll just..."

"No!" Annie hesitantly said. "I mean, you can tell me. Why did you stick up for me?" she then asked.

"I don't know." he replied. "I guess it's natural to me that I don't like seeing others get hurt."

Hearing that made Annie think back to this morning, and her interaction with Kyle, which led to the one with him and Asher.

"Also, I thought you'd want company, and someone to take you home, since you have no ride."

"You don't have to for this for me."

"It's the best I can do." Kyle replied. "Maybe walking can help clear your thoughts."

"Oh. I'd like that." Annie responded. "Wait, we're walking?"

"Public transportation around these parts, ain't it." Kyle then got up and took off his jacket, puzzling Annie. "Tie this around your waist."


"You want people looking at you?"

"Oh." Annie fluttered when she realized what he meant. "Thanks."

"Let's go shall we."


A/N: I'll see when I can update again. Question, longer chapters or shorter chapters like this?

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