Easter Morning.

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     Authors notes :- Hello (^^) Sorry before I begin What I'm planning on doing is each chapter will be a different scenario or place that I will be writing about. It will be unlikely that I will make each longer than one chapter, however I will tell you if do as I think in the future I will be going back to either add things or edit them.

Now bare in mind that I can be extremely clumsy with my spelling and grammar but I will try my hardest to not let that show but if it does manage to escape please tell me and I will fix them (^^) Thank you! Sorry for rambling a little but please enjoy!


The warm amber glow of the morning spring sun filled the garden like water in a glass, seeping into every crack in the stone path and gently burning through every leaf. The light illuminated the green from every plant which lived here caging the vivid colours that lay hidden from sight. An arrangement of brightly coloured flowers coated the ground weaving into the lush of the leaves tricking the youthful eyes that glanced at them.

A buzz of excitement clung to every object in the area waiting to scream 'Surprise!' to anyone who came near in search of a chocolatey delight. The sound of rustling branches, the hum of young voices and the patter of small bare feet running across the sun-kissed stone filled the air making time slow down letting the moment soak into the memory of everything present so this joy could be eternal.

Around the immaculately-painted porch the parents gathered chucking indulgently at the antics of the wild children - who still pranced across the grass eager to find what was hidden from them. Sipping fruit tea from a mismatched assortment of Aztec-patterned mugs, they conversed and told anecdotes, making plans for the fast approaching summer. Every few minutes a yawn escaped their lips forever in a cycle to difficult to get out of.

The children were of offbeat ages yet all showed the same familiar wonder and spirit to the egg hunter game they were involved in - each wanting to stand above the rest with the amount they had collected claiming to be the best. Some blindly clutched to the belief of the friendly grey rabbit that gifted them at some point through the night. Yet others suspicious of this tale did not let the naive glow that shines in the adolescent eyes a few times in the year fade with their questions.


Authors notes:- Yay, my first one done! I hope you enjoyed it (^^) As I said in the description for this book I welcome all and any feedback (but try to be as nice as possible I'm only human (><)). Also if you have any ideas for future chapters or even to add on to existing ones please tell me I will be happy to read and use them (^^). Thank you again for reading!

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