I Stare Out.

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I stare out the window each night, the chill of the midnight breeze swirling around me. It tells me secrets and stories that they found from the day just past. They comfort me. From the peculiar adventures that children have; like battling monsters from the great wilds here to take back their territory, or pirates who travel the vast open sea in search of the ancient feather told to grant any wish! To the elderly taking a gentle stroll through the park. It whispers them all.

The nocturnal lights that shine down to the world below grow brighter each night. I sit there and connect the dots between them, creating a path for their words to dance across so more stories can be passed along. It's beautiful. The glow from the complete moon illuminating everything, it's light softly singing a lullaby letting everything drift off into sleep. Yet not me, I cling on to my consciousness so I feel the warmth of said light which makes those who are alone seem a lot less lonely. See we are all connected by those stars. And only the souls who take the time to gaze up towards them really know this.

That is what is comforting.

Authors notes:- it's late when I wrote this, you see I have a window where I can lie down on my bed and still be able to see the stars. And it got me into the writing mood ( ^ω^ ) also I seem to be getting shorter with the chapters I write whoops.

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