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You had met more gems as time progressed. Most gems in blue's court has a way with words and persuasion that usually allowed them some "personal" time off the clock with other gems.
"They're all flirty clods," peridot informed you as you both walked through a section of blue's court to deliver parts for a ship repair,"don't let them get to you,"
"So why is yellow zircon in our court? I've seen her flirt with this one zircon," you question as you walk along side peri.
"It's probably because she was made to be a prosecutor. The other zircon you saw was probably blue zircon she's a defensive lawyer. She's nice and is very carrying but definitely isn't like the other gems in her court. She would've fit well in pink's court...." peridot's pace picked up she clearly didn't want to talk about it.
"Peri please slow down a bit my legs aren't as long as yours. Look I won't ask about it alright just slow down a bit it's already hard enough to carry this stuff without rushing," the gem slowed down and continued to walk with you until you reached and agate who was watching over the ships.
"Ah the parts thank you that will be all," she had you set the crates down nearby and signed the form. Back to yellow's court now.
When your free time had rolled around you were quick to search the archives for information on pink diamond. She had been a hushed whisper and a gem that you had been told to be grateful for. You didn't sleep that night reading through dozens of reports had churned your stomach. Fingers ghost over the gem on your chest.
"She was...that's why rose quartz aren't seen that's why....oh stars how could a quartz shatter her own diamond?"  Confused and angered tears blurred your vision. Tears roll down your cheeks as you try to stop the tears. A lump quickly forming in the back of your throat. As the tears slowly dried up the door to your quarters opened.
"Hybrid you're late for training-"Jasper stopped speaking when she saw your face. Eyes red and puffy from crying. Face paled from lack of sleep.
"S-sorry jasper I'll be ready shortly," you stand and try to get ready only for the large gem to stop you.
"Hybrid. Why were you crying?" Who would've thought the perfect quartz would actually be a caring gem deep down.
"I did research. On. On our Diamond. Pink diamond," as you spoke her name Jasper's eyes widened,"how could she do it?! Why would rose do that to our diamond?"you feel the lump forming in your throat again as the large gem hugs you.
"The rebel leader was bad hybrid I don't know why she did it but. You aren't like her alright. Get some rest I'll inform the others that you won't be attending your lessons for today. The human side of you needs water food and rest. Drink some water and have a light snack before taking a nap alright?" The gem headed towards the door.
"Alright. Thank you Jasper," you gave a weak smile as she left. You have a glass of water along with some food. You stare at the image of pink diamond. She was beautiful without even knowing her you felt like you had met her before. Shutting the logs you climb into bed your eyes closing on their own account as sleep washes over you.

Hybrid RQH205Where stories live. Discover now