Poofed care unit and odd food

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As much as you hated to do so you broke your robinoid and do your best to build some form of communication device.
"This is RQH205 broadcasting on all available frequencies. Our ship has been destroyed and I am without my crew. Here our my coordinates please if anyone on homeworld or if my crew is receiving this, please retrieve me." You plead as you end your recoding and set it to loop.
Roughly a few hours had past before you saw any form of movement thanking your stars as you see peridot.
"Hybrid!" The gem quickly embraced you," thank the diamonds you're safe-"
"Peridot!" Erupted a voice near by. Both of you jump attention turning to the voice you see the crystal gems.
"Ugh not these clods again." Peridot has you stand behind her as she prepares to defend both of you. You draw your weapon from your gem and prepare yourself as well.
"WAIT! We don't have to fight! Come on we can talk this out." Their hybrid stepped forward.
"Hybrid step to the side this is between gems and disgusting rebels. If you stay out of this we will take you to the human zoo and insure you do not die once the cluster emerges." You motion for him to step out of the way. You knew he had no memories from his mother so you treated him like a human he didn't look like he trained.
"What- what's the cluster?" The boy spoke.
"Gah just step aside and let us deal with these clods!" Peridot was short on patience,"Hybrid take care of the pearl I'll focus on the disgusting fusion and defective Amethyst.
"Understood," with that you charged right for the pearl as Peridot fired at the other gems. The fight didn't last long for peridot and you found yourself cornered by the gems.
"Guys! Please no more fighting." The boy stepped between both yourself and the crystal clods.
"Step aside. Go ahead crystal traitors. Kill me," you drop your weapon and it fades away," I accept my death so just get it over with." You clenched your fisted as they all look taken aback.
"We don't want to hurt you we promise." The hybrid stepped closer to you.
"Lower your weapons." The fusion ordered the two other gems as she let her gauntlets fade.
So here you are now in the living quarters which he calls a "house".
"Are you hungry?" He smiled up at you.
"Yes. My nutrients synthesizers is malfunctioning so I will be required to eat something soon," you spoke as you fiddled with said device.
"Nutrients what?" The boy furrowed his brows.
"...sorry I'm use to having to speak in such a way when I'm around others. It's a device that converts any form of light into nutrients it then injects the proper amounts into me to make sure I don't have to physically eat as often. It's mainly for long term missions or missions more than 10 light years away from homeworld." You explain as you continue to fiddle with it.
"Oh okay I understand kinda." He smiled and started to make something.
"What is this?" You poke at the food in front of you.
"It's a sandwich.... you've never had one before huh?" You simply shake your head to his question,"Well try it if you don't like it then I'll make you something else." He offered a smile.
Biting down into the sandwich you chew and give your taste buds time to get use to it before swallowing.
"Hmm it is odd but palatable. Thank you hybrid." You continue to eat.
"Please call me Steven." He smiled up at you.
"Steven...alright. You may call me hybrid or 205." He nods and lets you eat while he makes himself some food.
You still wouldn't say you were comfortable with any of this but at least you knew as long as the Steven was around you would be safe from the crystal gems attack. Now you just had to figure out how to get peridot and jasper back, then how to get the stars off this planet, and back to homeworld.

Hybrid RQH205Where stories live. Discover now