Meeting with the athourity

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Standing before a diamond is terrifying but standing before three was enough to make you question if you were going to have a heart attack.
"Hybrid RQH205. Congratulations on successfully acclimating into our authority. You will be given a proper set of uniforms and to commemorate this achievement the diamond insignia placed above your gem,"White diamond spoke as the other two remained silent.
"Thank you my diamonds. I look forward to my future within the authority,"you salute and leave once dismissed.
Jasper, peridot, and zircon happily congratulated you.
"Hybrid. I was doing some research for your sake and it looks like the insignia will hurt while you are given it and for some time afterwards. I talked with some gems down at the medical bay and they will be giving you something to aid with the healing process. It should only hurt for a short time," zircon explained as a pearl prepared everything for the insignia.
Pain met your expression as the process started. Heat and pain pulsated your flesh and you were quick to learn what burned flesh smelt like.
"All done 205. I'm surprised usually hybrids yell when e begin the process,"the pearl spoke as she cleaned the area and applied a liquid to insure no infection occurred.
"I can see why. That was horrible," you grimace the pain still very much present.
"Come on let's get you to the medical bay for pain disablers,"peridot helped you up from the chair. You were given a shot for the pain and it slowly ebbed away. Changing into your official uniform once back in your quarters you felt pride. Your gem and the insignia showed proudly on your chest. The material of your uniform was made for any type of mission that could be thrown your way three diamonds printed onto the back. White, yellow, and blue.
"Looking great runt," Jasper patted your head and held up your cape,"I think you're missing something though," she drapes the fabric around your shoulders.
"Thank you. Hey we should all take a data visual together,"you smile up at the gems that had grown to be more important than your care units.
"Sound nice alright let's do it," zircon smiled soon all four of you stood together smile tugging at your cheeks as a data visual was taken.
"Thank you. Without you three I wouldn't have been able to do it. As far as I'm concerned you're my true care units," you hug the gems.
"Don't get all sappy on us now runt," Jasper joked softly ruffling your hair.

Hybrid RQH205Where stories live. Discover now