Author's Note

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Hey it's me Haley! :)

I'm so happy that you guys are liking my story so far! When I first started, I didn't think that anyone would like my stories, but I was wrong!

First, I want to thank you for voting, commenting and sharing my story. It means the world to me! Every time I get a new vote, I'm the world's happiest person lol.

Second, what are you thinking of the story so far? Any favorite moments? Do you have any suggestions that you think should be in the story?

Lastly, I just want to ask… if you guys are liking Bitten, I was wondering if you would go read my book called You and I! That was the first book I ever started putting on Wattpad. I'm still updating chapters to it. The first few chapter are a little slow but I think it starts getting good. The reason why I'm asking that is because I would like feedback from that book too. Also because the last chapter I uploaded last night for my story You and I, I asked my readers to comment what they would prefer I can't tell you because it would give the plot away. But I would be internally grateful if you guys would go check out my book.

Also, one of my readers, her username is crysdec24. She is working on a story too. Go follow crysdec24 and check out her story!

Thank you guys so much, I love all of you! :)

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