Chapter 38

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Jasmine's POV

It's been a month. A month since I have seen Zayn's, Louis' and Liam's faces! I miss them so much! And what makes it worse is that I haven't been able to get a hold of Connor.

They're dead, they have to be. If they weren't dead than they would come back, I know it.

Claude is being weird lately. He keeps pointing and telling us that he sees his dad. It hurts me so bad to have to tell him that his daddy isn't home yet. I can't bring myself to tell Claude the possibility that his father and two uncles might be dead, even though he probably wouldn't understand.

The past month, I have had this indescribably horrible feeling. I miss them, so much.

Niall, Harry and Carlos won't let any of us leave the suite. From the little I've gotten to see of the area in Japan that we're "Um, it seems pretty.

Honestly, I hate my life.

I feel like a horrible mother because I'm not mentally stable. I have lots of days where I can't even leave the bed. I just sit there and cry, or I just stare and the wall with this blank feeling.

Before I was bitten, I had my life planned out. I wanted to be a doctor. I wanted to fall in love with just one man and get married, have children when I'm ready, this is nowhere close to what I had planned.

There was a knock on the bedroom door, "Come in!"

" are you doing?" Niall gave me a warm smile.

"Horrible, as usual."

"I think we're all mourning right now." he stated.

"Why don't you show it?" I questioned. I've heard Harry cry in the bathroom and at night sometimes, but never Niall.

"Because I have to stay strong."

"For who?"

"You." he replied.

"Ni, you don't have-" I began.

"I know. But I want to. You and Claude need somebody to lean on any time of the day or night."

"I miss them." I sniffled.

"We all do. I've even seen Carlos shed a few tears." he informed me.

"I don't know what to do, or how to deal with all of this pain!" I cried. Niall didn't say anything else, he just pulled me into his warm, comforting embrace and let me cry on his chest while he whispered sweet things in my ear. After I pulled myself together, I apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm a mess."

"A beautiful mess." he smiled and I blushed. "That was cheesy!" We both laughed.

"It was sweet." I giggled.

Zayn's POV

I sat on the floor in the bedroom and watched Niall make her laugh. The jealousy that I had for the first couple weeks was now replaced with gratefulness. I'm so grateful that Niall can make her laugh in her darkest hours. I'm thankful that he is there for her when I can't be.

As much as I love her and I want her to be mine, I know that we are never getting out of the other side, so I'm just glad that Niall has her heart. I know that he'll take care of Jas and Claude no matter what. He's a good guy, he's a gentleman and he's been one of my best friends for hundreds of years.

Believe me, I still love Jasmine. I love her more than anything but I have to let her go. I want her to let me go and get happier, so I should do the same.

Before I knew it, tears were rolling down my cheeks.

"Zayn?" Connor asked.

"Shit." I sniffled. "Sorry, I'm being a pussy."

"No, your just showing your emotions."

"I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing! You didn't do anything wrong. I miss so much, you're not the only one." he said.

"I've got all of you guys but without Jas and Claude, I feel so lonely. There's this empty feeling inside of me." I admit out loud for the first time.

"It's because you love her."

"I do, I love her very much." I replied.

"Does it hurt you to see her with Niall?" he asked.

"It used to. It hurt me so bad and made me incredibly jealous but now I'm just grateful that she has him. He stays strong for her and helps her out with Claude. He also makes her laugh." I stated before signing. I wiped my eyes, not letting anymore tears escape my eyes.

"Holy shit! Jasmine, Niall, get in here quick!!!" We heard Carlos yelled. Connor and I looked at each other before following Niall and Jas out to the main room I'm the suite where Carlos and Harry was.

"What's going on?" I asked Rebekah, Louis and Clare.

"They're on the other side! But they aren't dead!" Carlos said. "Louis managed to get message to me."

Jasmine fell to her knees, "Oh my god! Carlos, please tell me this isn't some kind of joke."

"It's not. We have to find a way to bring them back. I'm the most powerful vampire, I can find a way."

A/N: Omg!!! What are your thoughts on this chapter? Two updates in one day! Not promising anything, but there might be a third update today.
Comment who you want Jasmine to end up with :)
Team Zayn
Team Louis
Team Niall
Team Liam
Team Harry
Team Connor
Team Carlos

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