These feelings (part 1)

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"Hey, Okazaki, I'm going to try to find out if Tomoyo is a guy again." whispered Youhei to Tomoya in the middle of class.

Tomoya snapped back to reality from his daydream of Nagisa. "Huh? What?" said Tomoya.

"I said, I'm going to try to find out if Tomoyo is a guy again." loudly whispered Youhei.

"Really? Again? Do you WANT to die?" exclaimed Tomoya 

"Of course not. But I can't help but wonder. She's so strong but..." trailed off Youhei. "But what? Ugh, do whatever you want, but don't come crying to me when you end up in the hospital." As Tomoya talked, Youhei was continuing his thought...

*She's so strong, but so beautiful. How can something that appears so precious be so tough... Wait! What am I thinking?! What's wrong with me?! What's this feeling? Is this because of Tomoyo? No way! It can't be! It can't...*

As Youhei was thinking to himself, he nor Tomoya realize that it was the end of class as the bell rang.

"Huh? Class is done already? I didn't even realize." said Youhei to himself.

"Yeah, neither did I. Do you want to get some pastries?" asked Tomoya

"Yeah, but let's go find Tomoyo so I can find out if she's a guy." said Youhei as he stood up with excitement.

Tomoya stood up and crossed his arms as he said "Oh no. I'm not going to get tangled up with this. Next thing you know, she might kick you towards me and I'll get hurt. No, you can go by yourself. Meet me to get pastries." Tomoya walked out of the classroom and down the hallway.

"Wait, Okazaki! " Youhei yelled *I'll go by myself!* "I don't need you!"

Youhei walked down the hallway searching for Tomoyo. He couldn't find her anywhere. He passed by a classroom and heard her voice. Youhei slightly opened the door and peaked inside. She was in a student council meeting.

Youhei watched her doing her job as student council president. *Man, she's so beautiful... And so powerful.* He didn't realize, but his heart had been beating fast and a light shade of pink was covering his cheeks.

Tomoyo had noticed something from the corner of her eye and saw someone watching her through a crack from the door.

"Um, will you excuse me for a minute? Please go over the events and if you have any ideas feel free to notify me when I return." Tomoyo said to the student council.

She then excused her self and opened the door. Youhei didn't realize that she was coming over because he had been day dreaming. As soon as Tomoyo opened the door, Youhei came back to his senses and backed away from her blushing and looking anywhere else but at Tomoyo.

"Oh, it's just you. You know, I really don't have time for this. I'm in the middle of a meeting. What are you doing peaking in?" Complained Tomoyo.

"Nothing." Said Youhei still blushing and still looking away.

"Oh really? Hmm... Is it because you want to join the student council?"

"Of course not! Why would I want to join some dumb old student council anyways?!"

Youhei had been distracted by her statement that he had finally looked at her. Youhei then looked away from her once more and the shade of pink on his cheeks got darker. *Gosh was she always this pretty up close??*

"Then what is it? Why are you peeking in? Do you just want to harass me again?" Said Tomoyo.

"No.. Umm.. It's nothing. Sorry." said Youhei with a sad look on his face because he didn't want her to think he would harass her all the time.

"Okay, I'm not very fond of you, but I feel it's my duty a Student Council President to care for my fellow classmates, so what's wrong? Why so glum?"

"It's nothing. Nothing at all."

Youhei walked away with the same look on his face. *What's wrong with me today?!* He clutched his face and just kept walking to meet Tomoya and get pastries.

*I wonder whats his problem.* thought Tomoyo as she walked back into the classroom to proceed with her Student Council meeting.

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