I'll try (Part 2)

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The next day, when Youhei walked to school, he had bumped into Tomoyo without even realizing.

"Hey! Will you watch where you're going?" yelled out Tomoyo.

"Hey! You should... Oh hey Tomoyo. Sorry. I didn't notice you." Said Youhei when he noticed who he bumped into. He then walked past her trying not to make eye contact.

"Hey! Will you wait a second?"Tomoyo said while trying to catch up with Youhei.

"What?" Youhei was still walking while she grabbed him on his shoulder to try to slow him down.

When Tomoyo finally walked beside Youhei she pointed out something. "There's that look again."

"Huh? What? What look?" Said Youhei while looking in different directions.

"That look, on your face. It's the same one you had after we talked yesterday." Said Tomoyo looking concerned but also looking ahead making sure not to run into someone else.

"What? I don't have a look on my face. I swear." said Youhei while trying to put on a big cheesy smile and scratching the back of his head.

*I didn't think she paid attention to me.* thought Youhei with a slight smirk.

"Mmhm. Okay. Well we better hurry or we'll be late for school" said Tomoyo trying to brush off the subject.

"Oh oka- ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" yelled Youhei.

Youhei had screamed because Tomoyo had grabbed his arm and started running to school while dragging Youhei behind her.

Once they arrived to the school...

"Next time... Give me a... Heads up." Youhei said while crouching down with his hands on his knees and panting.

"I did, I said we have to hurry." Tomoyo said while emphasizing the word hurry.

"And see? We made it here with 5 minutes to spare."

"Well whatever. Just give me a better warning next time." said Youhei putting on his school shoes.

Tomoyo went to her cubby to change her shoes as well.

*How much time did she say we have left? Five minutes? This is my chance!*

"Hey Tomoyo!" Yelled out Youhei trying to find her. But she had already went to her class.

*Oh well, better luck next time.*

During class, Youhei couldn't help but think about Tomoyo.

*Hmm... She looked really pretty today. And to think she cared about me making it to school* Youhei smiled to himself. *even though she almost ripped my arm off* and his smile turned into a scowl.

"Hey! What're you smiling about?" Whispered Tomoya to Youhei

"Huh? Oh... Nothing. Just thinking about how good food would be right now." Lied Youhei.

"You didn't eat breakfast?" questioned Tomoya. Youhei, not realizing it wasn't around lunch corrected himself.

"Oh yeah. Well, I was in a hurry this morning and couldn't grab anything to eat."

Tomoya nodded understandingly. Youhei thought *phew, I need to stop acting weird. I need to get Tomoyo out of my head.

~Later during lunch~

Tomoya and Youhei were having lunch in their classroom when all of a sudden Tomoyo comes in.

"Hey, what're you doing here? Come to kick Youhei across the hallway?" Inquired Tomoya while snickering.

"Hey! I didn't even do anything yet! Why would she do that?!" Yelled Youhei

"The key word in that sentence is 'yet'." Said Tomoya

"So why are you here? Don't you have a student council meeting?" Asked Youhei.

"No I don't. I just thought I should have some lunch with my fellow students. Is there a problem?" Tomoyo says as she sits down in a desk next to them.

*Tomoyo wants to have lunch with me?! Seriously?* Youhei thought while lightly blushing.

"What's up with your face? Are you blushing?"asked Tomoya

"What? No! Nothing's wrong with my face!!" Yelled Youhei as he turned away.

He peeks over at Tomoyo who was smirking and looking down at her lunch. This just made him blush more. The rest of lunch was somewhat awkward.

~after school~

After school ends, Youhei sees Tomoyo walking by herself.

*Hey, Tomoyo is all by herself.*

"Hey! Tomoyo!" Yells out Youhei.

Surprised by the sudden loud noise, Tomoyo turns around to see a eccentric Youhei running towards her.

"Hey!!! Wait for me!" Youhei yelled at Tomoyo.

Going too fast on a downward path, Youhei somehow managed to trip and fall and ends up falling on top of her.

"Uuuggh!" Says Tomoyo as she thuds onto the ground with Youhei's weight on her.

"I wouldn't have imagined you being this heavy. Get off of me!" Says Tomoyo.

Youhei not knowing exactly what just happened and feeling the warmth of Tomoyo's body against his own tries to get up off of Tomoyo quickly.

"S-Sorry! I didn't mean to!" Said Youhei as he bowed apologetically 

"Anyway, why did you call me?" Asked Tomoyo

"I just saw you by yourself and thought I should walk with you." Said Youhei. "That and I wanted to see if you wanted to get something to eat with me."

"Sure, I have some spare time." Answered Tomoyo.

Youhei surprised by this answer cheerfully says "Okay, then lets go!" And grabs Tomoyo's arm and runs forward.

"Why can't you be this energized in the morning?" Says Tomoyo loudly as though Youhei couldn't hear. She was right though, because Youhei didn't answer her anyway.

*she said yes! Well.. She said sure but that means yes!*

Youhei x TomoyoWhere stories live. Discover now