Chapter 2: The Encounter

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Suddenly, Swap!Sans came through a portal nearby.

"Ink!" shouted Blue.

"Error. He's destroying- " 
"I know" Ink interrupted.

"Where is he?," Ink asked in a taut voice. "In my universe..." said Blue, almost crying. "Let's Go," Ink said, wasting almost no time .The three of them stepped through the portal.

Ink and Dream , shocked to see a very cheerful universe turn dark and apocalyptic. Screams of pain replaced the christmas carols . Blood covered the white snow.

"Well, well, well. Looks like the kid squad has arrived ," Said a disembodied voice. "Where are you? Show yourself!," Ink shouted ,filled with rage. He couldn't let the last remaining universe be destroyed.

"Right Here," Error grabbed their souls with his blue strings. "Let us go!," Ink cried.

Two figures emerged from the shadows. One carried an enormous knife the other had black liquid dripping down his tentacles " About time you showed your face here," said Nightmare. "What do you want?," Dream asked terrified.

"The brush," Error demanded

"I will never give you my brush!," Ink roared, still struggling to free himself."Who said you were going to give it to me?".Cross snatched the paintbrush from Inks back"W-what are you going to do with it?" Blue questioned, curious of Errors plans.

"You still haven't figured it out?," Error chuckled, "With this brush, I will destroy every universe in existence!'

"That's madness!" "No, that's only the beginning"

"With the glitches gone, i will create millions of universes that will bow down to me-"
"Don't you mean us?" Cross cut in. "Shut up ,Cross!" Error growled.

Cross apologized ,"Sorry Err-"

 "Boss" Nightmare corrected."Right Sorry boss,"

"Anyways," Error continued. " They will bow down to me and treat me as a GOD."

"We won't let you get away with this!" Dream cried

"I'm afraid you're too late"

Screens appeared in front of them.Error's glitches were destroying were destroying universes, killing innocent lives.

"No" Ink repeated this word over and over. Grief ,was the only thing he felt.

"You're lying!" Ink cried with tears in his eyes
"No. You just can't accept that you've failed as a guar-," before Error could finish his sentence, he was smacked in the face by a Gaster Blaster shaped hammer.

"Hah!" Blue shouted with triumph,
"About time I used this baby!"

Error was knocked out. The strings holding them were loose making them able to free themselves.

Cross and Nightmare came rushing towards the three of them. "We'll hold them off. " Dream yelled.

Ink still didn't know how Blue was able to throw his hammer. But it didn't matter. They were free.

Ink soared above the four of them.
He climbed above Muffet's confronting Error.

The Battle Of The Multiverse Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant