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it was 10am. I had just woken up with a face full of messy makeup and clothes from the day before. I walked over to my mirror and groaned. I threw my hair up into a messy bun and walked into the bathroom to wash my face.

"morning, sunshine" Cole said "looking great"

"haha, thanks" I sarcastically replied. He left me and I continued to freshen up. I walked back into my room and I chose what clothes I wanted to wear for the day.
I decided to wear some plain white
converse with blue skinny jeans and a white off-shoulder top, my classic everyday look - comfy casual.

Before heading downstairs I checked my phone and social medias such as Instagram and twitter. I had many twitter notifications of which had the names 'bughead' or 'sprousehart" in them. I sighed and tossed my phone to my bed.

Walking downstairs, the air is boiling, the atmosphere is cloudy with bittersweet coffee. The wistful scent of Vanilla coffee brewing filled the fresh, crisp air. As I ambled into the kitchen Cami handed me a hot mug of vanilla coffee.

"morning Lili, this is for you" she beamed, handing over the coffee.

"wow thank you" I replied, taking a sip and burning the tip of my tongue. My face blushed into crimson red and my eyes widened with shock.

"A bit hot still I'm guessing" Cami said.
"could've warned me!" I stuttered.
"Oops" she replied.

"Fuck sake Cami" Kj shouted from a distance. "Can't believe you've made someone burn their tongue again!" he laughed.

"Again?!" I exclaimed. Cami mouthed 'sorry' at me and gritted her teeth. I placed my mug on a coaster and left it to cool down. I then made myself some nutri-grain with fruit for breakfast.

"morning ladies" Cole announced, strutting into the kitchen, wearing his retro typed clothing.

"hey, Lili" he whispered to me. "Come closer" he added on. "want to chill on the rooftop of a small building near here this evening?"

"um, okay sure" I replied cautiously.

"It's a date" he muttered under his voice.  I took a sip of my coffee.

"what?" I replied.

"nothing. never mind" he quickly spoke.

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