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Today was the day. Today the Nestors and the Ieros were to rehearse for the big day. To be completely honest Frank was not at all prepared for this. He would much rather stay in his room and continue watching the butterflies that tended to fly in and out of his bedroom window. It was quite strange, yet fascinating. He loved to watch them. The way they would flap their wings, the beautiful shades, it was incredible. Atleast it was to him. To him butterflies represented innocence and life. Everytime a baby is born beautiful paintings of butterflies are placed on the nursery walls. He loved it. He was taught by his grandmother to find the beauty in things, he was able to see things that others couldn't. What is seen as a pesky insect to others is peace to Frank. Or what others would call a "stupid flower" is not just a "stupid flower" to him.

Resting his hand on the old oak desk he let out a sigh. He was at peace. Just him, the butterflies, and the cool breeze that seeped in from his bedroom window. Too bad it didn't last long.

"FRANK!" barked a not so happy voice.

This startled him and caused him to knock over the glass of water that had stood on his desk from the night before. Liquid seeped its way into the cracks of the old wooden desk. But that was the least of Franks concerns. His drawings that he had spent his whole night away working on were ruined. His beautiful art now gone to waste. He could feel tears beginning to brim his eyes. Guilt filled up as he noticed he had startled away the butterflies that had once been rested on his arms and desk.

"FRANK! I have called you plenty of times! Are you some sort of freak that can not hear?" barked his angry mother. This happened to make even more tears fill his eyes. All he ever wanted was for his mother to be proud of him. But not once has he ever heard his parents praise him. "Are you crying? Oh please. Men don't cry."

    "N-no mother, I simply got an eyelash stuck in my eye." he lied as he quickly wiped his eyes with the sleeves of his suit.

    Quickly scanning the room Mrs. Iero spotted the spilled water and the ruined butterfly drawings that had been scattered on the oak desk. "You've been drawing butterflies again? Only the female specimen do that. When will you understand that. You are a man. Act like one."

    "Of course mother." and with that they were off to the Nestor mansion. Franks wonderful day had now been ruined. His passion for drawing and admiring the beauty of things had always been claimed as "unacceptable" by everyone. Everyone except his grandmother. Before he left he had placed a kiss on the photograph of his grandmother that he had framed on the hallway wall outside his bedroom. He whispered a quick "I love you" and was gone.


Authors note: its funny because yesterday as I started writing this my mom gave me a butterfly necklace. Anyways, I got this idea in school while watching the Corpse Bride. My writing isn't the best but I still hope you enjoy this series as much as I enjoy writing.

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