Chapter Two

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After the lads practiced, I went straight home.

Strangely as soon as I came home the phone rang.
"Hello?" I answered unsure of who was calling me at this time.

"It's Ringo."

I sighed, just the thought of him annoys me.
"What is it?" I asked impatiently.

"Paul told me that you were sorry for what you done, so I'm calling you to say I accept your apology."

Hearing this just made my blood boil.
"I never said such a thing, and if you call me again I swear it won't be pretty!" I said as I slammed the phone back into place.

I quickly dialed Paul's number.

"Why did you say I apologized for something that wasn't my fault?" I said interrupting his 'hello'

"Look, I love you and I love Ringo. You have to get along one way or another. A couple of lies couldn't hurt if it's for a good cause." Paul said nonchalantly.

"Ugh, Paul you are so stubborn it's unbearable, me and Ringo don't have to like each other as long as he doesn't say anything to me!"

"How about you go on a date, find out more about each other." Paul said making another excuse.

"Don't you understand the word 'no'?" I was nearly about to hang up on Paul.

"Look just do it once, and if it doesn't work out I promise I won't ever try to bother you again." I can just imagine Paul's sad puppy eyes convincing me.

"You promise?" I said quietly.

"Yes." He said reassuring.

"Okay fine." I sighed.
I hanged up and dialed Ringo's number.

"Ringo, look I was wondering if you'd like to go out tomorrow?" I said trying to sound nice.
"Let me check my planner if I'm busy that day."
Oh so he wants to act like a big shot. Then I heard Ringo shuffling through papers, it almost seemed like he had a stack of files.

"Um I can't I'm busy that day bye".
Ringo spoke quickly then I heard a dial tone.

"Well I tried." I huffed as I hanged up.
Ringo is too full of himself to even try to make amends.

Two Days Later

"So how was your date with Ringo?"
Paul asked while we were at the studio.

"Oh um- that's right , he rejected me. Look I tried and we made a deal so you promise me you'll never bother me again." I said hoping he wouldn't call Ringo over.

"Yeah you know what you're right. At least you tried." Paul said as he patted my back.
It was the lads lunch break, and they were all headed out to the car while I followed along.

Paul was driving while John sat on the passenger side.
I sat in the back with Ringo and George while George sat in-between us.
Lord knows if George wasn't there, we would be fighting like cats and dogs.

"So where are we going?" I asked the lads.
"To eat." John replied pointing out the obvious.

"Gee thanks John, It's not like I didn't know that already." I replied sarcastically.

"Watch your mouth."

I quickly turned my head in George's direction.
He had a 'it-wasn't-me' look on his face, and gestured towards Ringo.

"Why do you always have to nose your way in when I'm talking?" I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Look if you guys start bickering again i'm going to kick you out of this car, I don't care if it's moving." Paul said referring to both of us.

"Please kick me out, I rather tuck and roll down the street than to hear his voice again." I said referring to Ringo.

"And I wouldn't mind pushing you out!" Ringo said emphasizing the word 'you'.

John just couldn't help himself from laughing, as he was laughing the entire time we were arguing.

"Shush John, and you two be quiet." Paul shouted, almost sounding like a mother to 3 children.

George just sat in the middle awkwardly the entire time.

"Can someone please kick Ringo out, he's certainly taking out all of the oxygen from the car." Me saying this only caused John to laugh louder.

"You're breath isn't helping either." Ringo said causing John to laugh harder.

"Alright you guys shut it, the only person here who's keeping there sanity is George for chrissakes!" Paul said as he pulled into the drive way of the restaurant.

Paul finally parked, and I was the 1st one to jump out, the rest of the lads walked into the Restaurant.

I followed Ringo from behind, while they all went into the restaurant holding the door.

Once Ringo got near the door he quickly went inside and slammed the door in my face.

I sighed frustrated and I quickly snatched the door open, and walked faster inside to catch up with the lads.

They were all sitting in a booth and I sat next to George while Paul, Ringo and John sat in front of me.

"I was expecting a lunch break, not a dinner date." I said while I looked around the restaurant, it was a little too fancy.

"I have to go and pee. You lads can order without me."
John said as he got up and walked off.

"Don't take too long." Paul said as he picked up his menu.
I looked into my menu, and every dish looked so good.

As some time passed by John never came back from the bathroom.
"I wonder what's taking him so long." Paul said concerned.

"I'm going inside to check on him, I'm coming right back." Paul said as he got up and went towards the bathroom.

As some time passed by we ordered our food, but John and Paul haven't came back.

"What in gods name is taking them so long?" Ringo asked impatiently.
"It is weird, I'm going to see what's up." George said as he was about get up.

"No, don't go. Don't leave me here with him." I said as I gripped George's hand emphasizing the word 'him' as I quickly darted my eyes at Ringo.

"Don't worry I'm going to be back." George said letting go of my grip as he walked off.

It was now just me and Ringo.
Me and my enemy.

Can this day get any worse?

"I hope they're alright." I sighed feeling a little worried for them.
Ringo eyes suddenly widened while he looked out the window behind me.

"There they are! They're all right there, George is running into the car." Ringo said pointing behind me.

"Stop you're playing Ringo, i'm not falling for that kindergarten trick." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"No seriously Karen look!"

I turned my head, and there you have it. They were all in the car, and drove off quickly like mad men.

"I'll be damned." I said as I watched them go off into the street.

I turned right back around towards Ringo.
"Well, what did they do that for?"

Hello Goodbye {Ringo Starr}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant