Chapter Three

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"They're trying to set us up on a date." I sighed as I ran my hands through my hair.

"Well I think I should go then." Ringo said as he got up.
But as soon as he went to get up our food was being served.

"Chicken Alfredo, for the missus." The waiter said while handing me my plate.
"And Fish and Chips, for the lad." She said politely while putting Ringo's plate in front of him.

"Well I can stay for a couple of minutes." Ringo said as he sat back down.

The waitress walked off, to finish her duties.

It was awkwardly quiet, none of said a word. The only thing you can hear was my utensils clinking with the plate.

And Ringo's lip smacking from eating his food. I tried to ignore it, but hearing people chew their food is annoying.

"Ringo, could you not chew so loudly?" I said trying to be polite so we won't have a argument in this fancy restaurant.

"Could you not make those clinking sounds with your plate." Ringo said as he sassed back.

I only responded in a sigh, there's no winning with him.
"So, tell me something about yourself." I was trying to start a conversation, I hate awkward silences.

"Well- there's nothing really to know about me." Ringo said as he looked away.

"Everyone has a story, C'mon tell me. Let's put all the drama aside, and talk." It was so hard to pretend to be nice, I was nearly gritting my teeth.

"Look, Karen I know you hate me. So let's drop the act." Ringo said as he wiped his hands with a crumbled napkin.

"Fine you know what? Let's list the things we hate about each other." I said as I pushed my plate aside.

"That'll be easy." Ringo said as he did the same as me.
"Who's going first?" I asked.

"Ladies first." Ringo said bluntly.
"I hate how you always have something to say, you never shut up! And you always think you know everything when you clearly don't, like for example you think you know me. When you clearly don't. You go around sizing people up like you're perfect." I ranted, causing some stares to be directed towards us.

"You know what I hate? You're always around the band, and for what? You're using Paul for fame and you know it. Everyday I see you around practice like you're part of the band. Well I think I found out who the 5th Beatle member is! And you don't shut up! You keep flapping your gums! Sometimes I think there is parrot around, but no it's Karen." Ringo said my name in a funny voice, I almost wanted to laugh.

I covered my smiling mouth with my hands, I had to contain my laughter.
Ringo looked confused, he expected all of this to hurt my feelings. But it didn't, in matter of fact I realized how ridiculous we sound right now.
"Well what's so funny?" Ringo asked confused, looking at my delighted expression.

I couldn't hold it in no more, I exploded into laughter. Releasing my weird loud laugh, into the quiet restaurant.

"That- was hilarious!" I said in between breaths, the whole restaurant began to stare at us.

I looked up at Ringo, who slightly had a delighted expression on his face.
"You called me a parrot!" I said as I cackled out loud.

"I think we should quiet-

"It's true I can't help it! I do talk a lot!" I laughed so hard my stomach was starting to hurt.

"Karen, we should be a little more quiet." Ringo said while looking around, noticing how everyone has their attention on us.

"You're right." I said as my chuckles started to fade away.
"You know what, I feel a lot better after doing that." Ringo said as he fixed his shirt.

"I almost had a heart attack, I see why John thinks this is funny." I said as smiled.

"So... are we still considered as enemies?" Ringo asked as he looked into my direction.

"Well duh, just because we had a couple of laughs doesn't make us best-friends." I said as I took a sip of water.

"Uh-yeah- um sure." Ringo said as he cleared his throat.
"Maybe I can hate you a little less." I added in noticing Ringo acting a little strange.

"Should we go now?" I asked Ringo, as we were both finished with our meals.
"Yeah, and I'll pay." Ringo said fumbling through his jacket pocket.

"I'll pay half." I said while going through my bag.
"Don't worry about it, but get us a taxi yeah?" Ringo said politely, which is still shocking to see him be a little nice to me.

"O-okay." I said as I got up and headed outside.
I waved my hand for a taxi, for a couple of minutes but no luck.
Suddenly Ringo came out from paying for the dinner.
He raised his hand for a taxi and one pulled up like magic.
"You know how long it took me?" I said playfully, while Ringo held open the car door for me to go in.

"Thank you."
This is new for Ringo.
He went in after me.

"Where to?" The taxi driver asked.
"To-" Ringo looked in my direction, signaling me to tell the driver my address.

I told the taxi driver my address first, then Ringo said his.
"Don't go stalking me now." I said to Ringo while I nudged him playfully.

Hello Goodbye {Ringo Starr}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ