Chapter Four

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My phone rang waking me up from my sleep.
I grumbled as I tiredly made my way to the telephone.


"Hello Ms. Hughes?" A very posh sounding voice came through my telephone.

"Speaking." I said not trying to sound too sleepy.

"Your lead-roll in a film has been accepted, come by the studio to receive the script."

Hearing those words just jolted my body up, suddenly my body was fueled with excitement.

"Thank you!" I said excitedly as I hung up.
I jumped up and down in excitement almost knocking something over.

I decided to call Paul to tell him the exciting news.

"Hello?" Paul answered sounding a bit tired.

"Paul! Paul!" I yelled in excitement.

"What? What happened?!" Paul asked sounding worried.

"Paul I got the lead role in a movie!" I squealed as I jumped up and down.

"Karen... Don't ever do that I thought you were getting murdered or something." Paul said as he calmed down.

"No but speaking of that, I want to murder you!" I said as I recalled what he did the other day at the restaurant.

"What I do?" Paul acted clueless.

"Don't do that, you know exactly what you did!"

"Karen- I have no idea what you're-"

I interrupted him.

"You left on purpose, your whole sneaky plan on "taking us out for lunch." You left me in misery."

"Hmmm... Thats not what I heard." Paul responded.

"What did Ringo tell you? Because whatever he said was- I mean is a lie."

"Hello?" I wasn't hearing anything from Paul then the phone went in dial tone.

I hung up the phone, and hurriedly got dressed to read my script for this film.


Every thing was just perfect. I read my lines perfectly and since everything was going smoothly they suddenly planned to film a little early.

I was on my way to tell Paul about this at the studio.

"Paul!" I yelled as I came in excited.
John and George were both sitting on the amps while Ringo sat behind his drums.

Paul turned around in response.

"Everything went perfect, it went so well we started filming already!" I said as I squealed.

"Karen? A movie star? Oh please give me your autograph." John said jokingly.

"You're laughing now, but one of these days you're going to actually mean it." I said as I playfully nudged John.

"That's great Karen what's the movie about?" George asked.

"That I can't tell you, the producer told me I couldn't say anything about it. Until it hits the theater."

"Like we cared anyway."

We all turned our direction to Ringo.
I almost forgotten he was there he was so quiet.

"I liked it better when you didn't say a word a minute ago." I remarked.

"Oh here we go again." George said as he sighed.

"What- what happened? I thought you guys gotten along?" Paul asked as he looked at the both of us.

"It's funnier this way Paul." John said as he slightly chuckled.

"Ringo why are you doing this?" Paul asked.

"C'mon Paul don't be stupid. We all know when a guy likes a girl he teases her a bit." George said as he put out his cig.

"Yeah in kindergarten George." Paul replied.

"Exactly my point."

"Are you trying to call me a child?" Ringo asked.

"What makes you say that?" John replied sarcastically.

I just laughed it off, they were all just teasing.

"Alright it's time for me to head out." I waved bye as I was on my way to head home.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2017 ⏰

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