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mikey way is a clutz, and a big one at that.

and not like an "oh, silly me, i dropped my book," sort of clutz, but more of a "mikey's gone through three phones in a month because he keeps dropping them while he texts," kind of clutz.

it's ruining his life, honestly.

the first day at school, he dropped his bag and all of his papers went everywhere.

the second, he managed to knock his music teacher's laptop off of her desk whilst walking past it, (but she wasn't watching, so it's okay.)

the third, today, he ran straight into pete wentz on the way to english.

this one was probably the worst, he thinks to himself, not even bothering to get up off of the floor after falling because he just ran straight into the older boy, who hadn't even flinched.

his eyes fluttered open and he smiled at pete's outstretched hand, and the lazy smile on his face, taking it and letting pete help pull him to his feet.

"gerard's little brother, right?"

"god, that makes me sound so little compared to him," mikey groans, rolling his eyes. pete grins though, at mikey's clear hatred for being the younger brother. "it's barely a one year gap," mikey continues, before looking back at pete, and blushing. "but yeah, that's me. pete, right?"

"yeah, that's me," pete says, and mikey's face and neck get unbelievably hotter, and redder.

"right," mikey says, trying not to be awkward.

"right," pete repeats, his smile only growing as he licks his lips. "hey, you're pretty-"


the boy's heads snap over, to look at meagan, dark brown hair bouncing behind her as she skipped over to her boyfriend. mikey gets hotter.

"hi, i'm meagan," the girl grins at mikey, clasping her fingers together with pete's.

"mikey," he replies, and she nods.

"you're cute, but i don't think i've seen you around before?.."

mikey stutters, smiling at her thankfully. "i- uh, just was enrolled. it's my third day," he tells her, and she nods to him

"well, i gotta go. it's almost tardy and i've got yates," she pokes her tongue out in disgust and pete chuckles halfheartedly.

"good luck," pete says, and she kisses his cheek, making him grimace. mikey almost giggles. meagan skips back down the hallway, and mikey's eyes follow her until she dissapears around the corner.

"well, i better get going, too," pete says, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"oh - right! yeah, sorry," mikey mumbles, and pete chuckles, hitting his shoulder playfully.

"relax, mikey. i won't bite hard," pete assures him, and mikey let's a giggle slip past his perfect lips and pete's breath hitches because damn,

that was fucking adorable.

"uh - you okay?" mikey asks, confused at the wonder struck look on pete's face. he blinks himself back to reality before nodding, sending mikey a small smile.

"yeah. see ya' 'round, mikey," pete says, before turning and almost sprinting off to class.

and mikey wishes that meagan could have been mean to him, so that he could at least say that pete had a bitchy girlfriend and that's why they're not together.

but she was nice and mikey's annoyed at that because quite frankly, he liked the smell of pete's hockey jersey and the way pete's eyes crinkle when he smiles, probably more than she does.

(because yes, mikey takes the hockey jerseys home to wash them. and yes, sometimes he likes to see what the boys smell like.)

(he'll have you know that pete smells like lavender, and lemons, and what it feels like to smile.)


short but cute,, right??

also there's a reason pete smells how he does you'll see eventually lmao

hockey jerseys ; m.p ✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora