Aims and Goals

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Dedicated to NoMoreBullying

     (Restoring glory to mankind)

The logo of this foundation which is represented by a phoenix with wide spread wings over a yin and yang symbol simply stands for the ability and numerous possibilities for one to rise up from the ashes of our misfortunes, horrid past and experiences.

Allowing them to mold and serve as building blocks rather than destroy us.

This foundation is to help shed light on all people with all sorts of ailments i.e  heart diseases, leukemia, disabilities, autism, cancer etc.

Women in abusive relationships.

Child abuse, be it from their peers or family in any kind or form i.e. physically, mentally and emotionally.

Victims of rape and attempted rape...

A platform for people with self -doubt and low self-esteem due to certain traumatizing events in their lives.

The feeling of abandonment and unwant.

Suicidal tendencies, self-harm, Trauma, Stress, Loneliness, Frustrations, Depressive disorder, unbearable psychology pain and needs, phobias, emotional distress and the inability to cope with the loss of ones anchor. A divorce, A dearly loved one.

The feeling when all hope is lost.


We all make mistakes but it's solely up to us on how we let it define us. We are humans and are therefore prone to mistakes.

We are here to learn to face our pasts and not run from it. To thrive on its positivity and not allow the negative effects bury us.

We shouldn't blame ourselves for any form of abuse. It's not right.

No matter who it comes from or why the abuse is meted out. Abuse is not justifiable in any form.

It's time to say NO to abuse and to stand up and claim whatever it is, that has being taken from us. Be it our free will or dignity.


Feeling as if you are stuck in time and can't move on because you lost someone?

Believe when we say we have been there. And with a couple of others too.

We have all lost someone one way or the other.

Be it temporary or permanently. Be it an aunt, uncle, sibling, parent, fiancé, fiancée, husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, child, best friend... and the list could go on.

We turn to lose ourselves in the pain so much that we forget that the time is still running and we have to move on.

We can't forget; for their memories will forever be engraved in our hearts.

But why don't we channel all this pain into determination and make a better version of ourselves.

A version that will make them proud of us as well as ourselves.

Something that will bring us joy and solace.

We shouldn't dwell so much on the pain and sadness when we know very well that they wouldn't have wanted that should they still be alive.

Am not saying not to mourn or shed tears. It's rather good to mourn and let out all the pent-up emotions bottled up inside of you.

Crying doesn't make you weak. It just shows that we are human and have been strong for far too long and have to let out all the pent-up emotions to create space for healthy ones.

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