Chapter 3

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Harley screamed as Arkham flipped up, spinning several meters before opening his wings and gliding onto the edge of the another floating island. After they landed, Harley slid off Arkham and hugged herself as she looked around.

The place was kind of depressing, but also super cool. The air around her was cold and dark despite the fact that it was still daytime. There was fog at their feet, and the island consisted of large slabs of gray stone. On top of the island were various dorms, and a on top of a huge cliff was a tall building that looked almost like a temple.

"What is that?"
Harley asked Donavan, who looked up. He was still perched on Arkham and didn't seem to be interested in getting off.

"The Dragon Dorms. I know it looks fancy, but that's basically just where every Dark Dragon lives. And that's where we're heading."
He looked down at Harley.
"You could walk, but it's a long way."

Harley's face turned red and she got back up on Arkham, who lifted off towards the Dorm. She felt embarrassed by her mistake, but Donavan didn't seem bothered. The dragon circled twice above the Dragon Dorms, then landed next to the door, where a bunch of kids wearing black had already gathered. As they landed few more appeared around them.

"Did anyone even go to watch the tests?" Harley asked.

"Nah," Donavan said.
"I collect the Darks, but we don't tend to watch."

Harley blinked at him. That seemed kind of rude, but she didn't really care to see the tests anyway, so she shrugged it off.

"Harley, meet the rest of Dark Frat." Donavan continued. Harley nodded at everyone and let Donavan help her down after he leapt off Arkham.

"Let's go get you a Dragon," He said with a smile.

Harley followed Donavan into the Dorm and waited in front of a large hole in the floor where he left her to join the others. They backed up, giving her space.

"Hold out your crystal, then call out your name and a Dragon will choose you."
He called from behind her. The hole was extremely dark, and very cold. She couldn't see anything and wondered how far it went down.

"Any day now." An unfamiliar voice said, and the crowd began to laugh.

Harley held her crystal away from her, then rolled her eyes and took a breath.
"Harley Davis." She said loudly, her voice clear.

Harley didn't hear a reply from a Dragon. She peered into the darkness, trying to make out a shape, anything that could mean she'd been chosen.

"This is ridiculous," She muttered. It was probably some drawn-out TV prank or something.

Just when she wanted to walk away and give up, a flapping noise was heard, and a single black dragon emerged from the darkness. It was long and skinny, it's back feet appeared to be hooves, and it had feathered wings that seemed to almost glow like fire in between each feather. It's eyes were white. The dragon landed next to her and seemed to be waiting for something.

"You have been chosen,"
Donavan said formally.
"Harley, meet Blithe. Your Dragon!"

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