Percy x Sis! Reader

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Look, I didn't want to be Percy's sister.

It just kinda happened.. wait, you might be confused, let me explain. Percy Jackson is my half brother. That's right. My dad is Poseidon, so is his. Our moms are COMPLETELY different people. While Mrs. Sally is nice and sweet, my mom...heh. My mom is a military officer. Which is cool I guess. I never see her though, so I live and Camp Half-Blood all year! Anyways, me and Percy get along fine, I guess. We swim a lot, and when Tyson is here, ( our cyclops half brother ) we have water ballon fights! Other than that, we just annoy each other and pull pranks. Like today, the first day of summer, when our beloved Percy Jackson comes back to camp! I already have it all planned out! First, I'm getting the Stolls to help me with a bathroom-firework show, and after that, I'm getting Percy's favorite blue cookies ( which are great ) and filling them with toothpaste. And the finale? Oh hohohoho , the finale is that I'm going to be dating Leo, my best friend. We're having our good friend Hazel from Camp Jupiter come over to make a...mirage? Of me and Leo kissing ( which would never happen ) Let's hope that Percy doesn't see me and Leo in the shrubs.

________ time skip________

Eight hours of prep work, and it's finally time! I am so ready for this to go down. I looked from the window of the big house and bolted into our cabin, pretending to be asleep. I heard the door creak open, and in steps Percy.

" Man I'm tired! Oh, hey (y/- " he cut off when he noticed I was " sleeping "

" Ohh, okay, sleepy lil sis, I gotcha, " I heard him set down his stuff his bunk, and go into the bathroom.

It's about to go down

I sat up in bed, and looked at the door





I have never ran faster out of that cabin.

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