Levi x reader part 1

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A/n : yes I am aware I have a Levi x reader book ( which I'm going to get back to updating soooonnn ) but I wanted to do this for a while now so yeahh :)

Y/n point of view

I walked into the diner, the skirt of my dress brushing along my legs.

" Hey Daphne! " I smiled at the usual worker " One vanilla milkshake, thanks " I walked over and sat down in a booth .

The year was 1985, and me, being the introverted girl with no more than three friends, sat in a booth at our local diner, tapping my foot along to Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.

That's when he walked in

" Hey doll, can I get the usual? " Erwin Smith, the leader of a famous group of baddies walked into Daphne's Diner, on a crisp September evening.

" Sure thing Smith! " she gave her usual smile and wrote the order down to pass to the cook, and whilst I was reading, I didn't notice the blond sit in front of me

" Hey there cutie, I need to talk to you " his sudden deep voice so close I me scared me

" Huh? What about? " I tried to act calm, because it wasn't very often random bikers would come up to me

" Well you see, my top guy, Levi? Yeah, his a bit lovey over you " he rolled his eyes " He won't admit it, but The Wings all know "

At the mention of his gang, I tensed up " I doubt that, I mean I barely talk to anyone! " I smile in a sad matter " trust me, he don't like me " I perked up when I saw old Bobby Miller walk towards me with my shake

" Here you go Miss (y/n), hope you enjoy! "

I graciously took the glass, thanked Bobby, and turned back to Erwin

" Honestly, how could he like me? I've never even talked to him "

Erwin smirked
" That don't mean he can't like you. He likes the look of you "

And on that last word, the devil himself walked into that diner.

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