Chapter 13

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So hey i am going to start writing a sequel. After MORE chapters. And i may start writing imagines. So if you want one then just Message me i mean like i might not do 'dirty' imagines but defos fluffy. Erm yeah enjoy the chapter read the authors note at the end for more info.

Olivers P.O.V

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!" Andy yelled at the top of his lungs.

"she.... I....... I don't know" i stuttered

"YOU HAVE THE BEST GIRL THAT YOU COULD GET BUT YOU HAD TO GO AND UGH i am not even going to bother. You used to be cool" And with that Andrew walked away.

"I'm not going to yell at you Oliver but I don't like you after what you did to my Lillzy" A small innocent voice stated from behind me . I turned to see Patrick, his shirt was full of tears and he kept pushing his glasses up.

"What's that ?" I asked pointing to the tears on his shirt.

"That's just tear stains.... From Lilla , it may not seem like i am her favourite but i am always there when she needs to cry.... Or laugh. But its pretty obvious she likes Andy more" He sighed deeply shaking his head.

"Dude you haven't heard how she talks about you , she thinks your adorable and the most fascinating thing and she really wants you to find a girl who loves you." i comforted. "To be honest I like you more than Andy."

"I have to go Lilla needs me" He grinned "Thanks Oliver see ya"

And with that i was left alone with beer and a knife. Who knows what could happen.Tonight i could relapse and go numb or i could keep.....Living. If that's what i've been doing.



ANYWAY I AM GOING TO write a sequel and i wanted your opinion. Yeah do you like my story. Should i? In other news i am going to start an imagines book so just message me with what you want






And do all that Jazzz

Bye love you

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