Freddie Mercury X Reader: How We Met

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I walk down the stairs and turn the corner. I walk into the kitchen. "Hey Mom?" I put my hand in my back pocket and look at her. "Yes, Y/n? I'm a bit busy." She's sitting at the table talking to my dad. They both looked mad. "C-Can I go over to John's house?" My dad gives me a stern look and my mom stands up in anger. "No! You're 15 and you already want to go fooling around with some stupid boy!" I flinch and start chewing my lip. "H-He isn't stupid. He's my b-best friend." She walks over and smacks me. "Stop. Stuttering. If you want to act like a woman you better start talking like one." I put my hand on my cheek and hold back tears. "I hate you." Her nostrils are flaring. "What did you just say?" I take my hand off my cheek, tears are flowing. "I said 'I hate you.' Because I do! Everytime I want to go to John's or Roger's I have to go to Brian's house! I have to go to my brother's house because I'm scared of you!" She smacks me again and I calmly walk into the front room. I put my hand on the door knob. "Where the fuck do you think you're going?" I look at her and calmly say, "To Brian's." I walk out and slam the door. I start running down the street. I run until i feel like i'm far enough away. I start rubbing my arms. I should've grabbed my jacket. I think to myself. I turn a corner and see an alley way. I go into the alley and sit down. I pull my knees up to my chest and start crying. I hear a bottle fall over and i jerk my head up. I see a boy sitting on the other wall of the alley. "Hey, kid." I can't really see him that well because it's dark. "Hi, boy. What's your name?" He looks at me. "Can i sit next to you?" I shrug and he gets up and walks over. "Nice to meet you, Can I sit next to you." He laughs and sits down. He looked around Brian's age. "My name is actually Freddie." I shake his hand. "My name is Y/n." I shiver and rub my arms. I can see my breath when i exhale. "Are you cold?" I nod and he takes his jacket off and hands it to me. I smile. "Thanks."

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