John Deacon X Reader: How We Met

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"Stop it." I jokingly say and softly hit my boyfriend, James, in the arm. "No." We were playing Street Fighter. I was losing. I hear a knock on the door. James looks at me. "Who is it?" I stand up and walk over to the door. "Freddie. He said he wanted me to meet the guys today." He stands up and walks over to the door. I open it and he slams it in their faces. "Ok then. What's wrong with you?" He crosses his arms. "You're obviously cheating on me with Freddie." I start laughing. "Ok James. Sure I am. He's fucking gay." He rolls his eyes. "Sure he is. And I'm leaving you." I chuckle. "I guess you are. Cause he's gay." He clenches his jaw. "I'm not leaving you." I open the door. "Well you said you were." Freddie looks upset. "Is everything okay between you guys?" I smile and nod. "Ok...well can we come in?" I open my mouth to say yes but James cuts me off. "No. You have to leave." "Oh my god. Ok. Get out. Get out of my house." I push him out the door. "Come on in guys." They come in and Freddie sprawls out on the couch. The other three stand there shyly. "Well, make yourself at home I guess." I turn to the guys. "I'm Y/n. You-"-I point at the girly looking blonde-"-must be Roger." He smiles. "You-"-I point at the poodle haired one-"-are definitely Brian." He crosses his arms. "You-"-I point at the attractive, quiet one-"-are John." He smiles and says, "Three for three." I shake their hands. "The guy I told to leave is my asshole of a boyfriend, James. I'm gonna leave him. Everytime he-"-I point at Freddie-"-comes over then James suspects I'm cheating on him with Freddie." Roger laughs, Brian chuckles, and John smiles. "He does know he is gay, right?" Roger says and chuckles. I want to marry his voice. I think. "I try to tell him that everytime. He doesn't listen. But, make yourselves at home guys." Roger and Brian pile onto Freddie and John continues to stand. I stand next to him. "You don't talk much, do you?" He looks at me. "Not all that much." I smile and look over at the other three. "How do you deal with them?" I hear him laugh softly. "They're my best friends. I have to."

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