The Snowman

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________There he was, resting on his haunches with his notebook in hand. He was hunched over, his elbows lay on his knees for back support. His white cloak was draped over his shoulders; barely holding to his somewhat small frame.

_________The white cloth was almost like a camouflage to the surrounding nature, if you could even call it that. It was more of a frigid wasteland than a 'Winter Wonderland', especially with the current weather. It was heavily hailing, maybe even to the point to be considered a blizzard. He couldn't even see his forearm at this point; the hail was blocking his vision.

_________The lack of sight only added to his predicament at the moment. He was stuck outside, horribly lost in the storm. He was previously heading to his friends house, but he lost track of himself on the top of the hill, and before he knew it, he was tumbling down into the lake. The jolt he received from the cold was enough to motivate him to get out, and as quickly as possible. He should've ditched his cloak, but he needed some form of warmth.

_______So that's was the root of his problem, but now he has a question for it: How was he to get out of it? He could try to signal someone, but he could freeze if he stayed in one place for too long. He finally thought of a solution to his problem, albeit a risky one. He decided to go by the street and try to hitchhike a ride. But how could he openly signal help?

_______He decided to go against that plan and to just continue walking to Matt's house. He went to take a step, but he stayed in place. He tried again, but he seemed to be stuck in place. He tried his arm, his neck, his hand, his fingers, but he always got the same result. He realized what was happening; he was frozen. He started an attempt to twist his upper torso to the left, but it was as immobile as an old mahogany chest.

__________He started to panic. He made an attempt to thrash his body in the most violent way possible. His body was still like a ball of hail; frozen in place. He noticed a restriction on his ribcage, almost as if he was underwater. He trembled in his boots, shaking frost off of his hooded head. He was stuck in his crouched position, which would be extremely uncomfortable on his muscles, if he could even feel them, that is. He tried at moving his arm again, yet his effort was fruitless. He was completely immobile.

_______Days had passed at this point, much to his dismay. He had been stuck here for three days, still going unnoticed. Three wretched days. He was beyond anger, beyond being livid, beyond madness. Not only was he mad, but petrified as well. Hell, he was beyond hysteria even. He was just downright miserable. He needed to let this out somehow, and without a second thought, he did exactly that. He sucked in the biggest breath he could and attempted to let out a wail to demonstrate his misery, but the only thing that escaped his now sore cavern was a small, choked sob. At this point, he just decided to accept his anguish.

________He looked at his surrounding area for the first time today, discovering a few things upon first glance. First, he noticed that the snow was patchy and tainted with blotches of brown soil. Another thing he noticed was the dripping water produced by the icicles. The truth hit him like a newly manufactured shotgun; powerful yet swift. Spring was just around the corner.

__________He was overjoyed. He would finally be able to move again! He would be able to run to Matt and tell him he wasn't hurt! He let these happy thoughts flow like a river through his mind, but then he made those come to a halt when he thought of something. Is he going to be okay?
________He began to ponder on this question until he saw something approaching in the distance. The figure definitely looked frantic, panicked even. He squinted his eyes, or at least attempted to do so. The figure came to a sudden stop, but immediately started to sprint towards him once spotted.
__________The frozen man looked at the approaching figures face. It was considerably hard due to the snow that was falling. He eyes widened into saucers as he spotted the familiar violet eyes. It was Matt.

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