Spoiled Child

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I head to my room before Father could utter the last words of his refusal. Before I stomped off, I payed extra attention to how I presented myself. I let my knees cave in like a lamb; all the while, I made my body shake like a leaf in the wind. My eyes were overflowing pools of green and hazel; tears ran clear off my cheeks. Overall, I looked like a kicked puppy; helpless. I knew right away that Father would come to my room in about 2 hours to apologize to me for his misdeeds. My vision was blurred with tears; hence the reason everything appeared as clear as mud. I dashed past every corner of the mansion and sprinted through the halls, not even bothering to avoid the workers that littered my path. I slammed open the door to my room and reached down to my bra. My fingers quickly found the small pocket directly below my armpit and pulled out a key. I kept my key in such a crude area for a reason: if a servant attempted to grab it, I could go running to Father and claim they were molesting me. I made sure to have the door 'click' before I relaxed. I walked over to my bed and flopped on to it. The cushioned mattress-this worthless piece of trash- did nothing to soothe my aching back. I looked around the room for my peasant fetcher; or, as Father-that wretched man- would've called it, my 'Maid Bell'. A groan emitted from my lipstick clad lips as I spotted the silvery object from across the room. My mind went back to the previous day; I had told my maid to put it on my bedside table. A devious smile spread across my face-I could tell Father to execute this servant just as he did the last...

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