B1: Reflection Chapter 4: Saving Jisoo Park pt.2

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I woke up a bit later than usual since it was the weekends. I did as Nayeon told me and I wore all black. I honestly felt like a robber. I even had a sci mask with me. I put the sci mask in my bag, pepper spray, water and some snacks in case we need it. (When I say we I mean me.) I decided to leave a note for my parents saying that I was going to the movies with Nayeon and staying over. I just hope they believe it and I hope both of my sister's keep quiet.

I ate my lunch and did some of my remaining homework while waiting for four o clock to come.

"This is so boring, I mumbled."

Eventually four o clock came and I head to the restaurant.

"You're late."

"I know."

We both went into the office and put our stuff in a dufflebag.

"So...what's the plan smart one."

"We're going to go to the arena and wait."

I laughed.

"What? I can make good plans."

"We're seriously just going to sit and watch a bunch of benders fight eachother until something happens. Tell me Nayeon do you really think something will happen."

"Yes, yes I do. Now let's go." We both exit from the back door of the restaurant and head to the train station. We got a few stares from people but they didn't say anything.

We both arrive at the arena by six.

"That was the longest train ride I ever been on." I said as I stretch.

"I've been on longer." Nayeon says as we enter the arena and then sit in a corner watching the benders fight. One bender approach us and I notice she went to our school, a little bit younger than me.

"Hi, I didn't know both of you guys were benders." The girl greeted us.

"Hey Yeri, I'm the only bender here and I practically force this one to come with me." Nayeon says.

"What kind of bender are you?"

"Air, what about you?"

"Fire." The brunette muttered before we saw the lights cut off. I grabbed Nayeon quickly and covered her mouth, we heard screams and a few flames, which I assume was from Yeri.

The lights came back on and everyone was gone. I slowly let go of Nayeon and both of us ran outside just to see some men throwing Yeri and some other benders in a van before driving off.

"Let's go!" Nayeon and I pulled our sci mask over our faces and ran after the vehicle.

"It's too fast." Nayeon grabbed me by the waist and took off her glove before blowing air out her hand, we landed on top of the truck quietly.

It was a long and bumpy ride as we held on.

"When did you learn how to do that?"

"My dad have been training me." We watched people look at us as we went into the headquarters of the place. The men just noticed us now and Nayeon blew a dust of air at him that he hit the back of the car door and went unconscious. A few men came out and started to attack us. They all were very skilled and it was hard for us to fight them off but we managed to.

We jumped down and opened the trunk just to see Yeri burning the rope off of someone's hand.

"Go now, you're free." Yeri sent the other people away but decided to stay with us.

"No, Yeri go with the others your too young."

"I'm fifteen Nayeon, I think I'm old enough."

"Yeriiii please go."

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