B1: Reflection Chapter 9: Saving her pt.3

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The guy moved quickly towards me. Jihyo protected all of us with the concrete ground. It turns out this guy was an earthbender as he destroyed the rock and jumped towards me.

I ran quickly and used rocks to throw at him as he chase me. Nayeon and Yeri looked helpless.

"C'mon you two, come help me find my mother." Seungyeon says as the trio runs off. Seulgi and Joy looked at eachother.

"It's like a death mission for them, go follow them!" Joy shouted as Seulgi projected herself into the air and head in the trio's direction.

A group of men appear and went to attack Joy and Jihyo.

The guy caught up to me quickly and kicked me. I flew and hit the fall. I groaned in pain before rolling out the way as he sent rocks in my direction.

I got up quickly and regained my posture before sending fire punches in his direction.

I looked around just to see he missed all of my attacks.

"Weak avatar."

"I'm not weak!" I yelled as I send a dust of air in his direction, making him fly back. I knew I couldn't defeat him, I had to make a plan and quick.

I send a wall of flames towards the guy direction before heading to Jihyo and Joy.

Nayeon, Yeri, Seungyeon and Seulgi found the woman tied up to the chair.

"Mom." Seungyeon says as she pulled out a pocket knife and start to cut the rope. Her mother was mumbling something and Seulgi quickly pushes Seungyeon out the way before getting shocked and going unconscious on the floor.

"Seulgi!" Seungyeon yells before backing away, she looks in the corner to see Nayeon and Yeri unconscious.

"Aren't you a pretty little thing."

"Get away from me!" Seungyeon yells. She ripped off the taped off her mother's mouth before getting dragged by the hair.

"I'm sure your mother wouldn't mind both of us having a little bit of fun first, right." Seungyeon quickly kicked the guy in the nuts before going through the ring of fire and grabbing her mom's hand.

"Seungyeon leave and go help your sister. I got this." The brunette nodded and ran off. Mrs. Yoo appear flames and started to throw it at the guy before quickly changing it to daggers and heading close range.

Yeri opened her eyes slowly to see a brunette with long hair fighting off a guy. She looked to see Seulgi on the ground and she didn't see Seungyeon or Nayeon anywhere, so she assumed they went to help the others. The brunette lit a flame with her hand and she realizes her bending came back. The brunette got up and helped the woman defeat the guy before slowly picking Seulgi up.

"Are you Mrs.Yoo?"

"Yes." The lady replied.

"Alright, let's go help the others."

Me, Jihyo and Joy formed a rock to cover us from all the attacks. But then the guy broke it. I used air to blow him and the others away when we saw Seungyeon running towards us.

"Mom is awake and shes fighting off t-" Jihyo blocked the rock from hitting Seungyeon's head. Joy metal bended and brought all the guys up against the wall while Jihyo prevent the from moving their arms or legs.

We looked at the one guy. Just then Yeri, Seulgi and my mom arrive.

"You're outnumbered!" I yelled. The guy just laughed before leaving.

I turned around quickly and hugged my mother tightly.

"I missed you so much." I said as Seungyeon joined the group hug.

We started to leave and I felt like something was wrong, like someone was missing.

"Where's Nayeon?" I asked.

"I thought she was with you guys." Yeri says. We all stopped and looked around.

"Air bunny?" I yelled as I looked for her.

"Where is she?"

A few moments earlier.

Nayeon woken up and was about to help Mrs. Yoo when she heard someone.

"P-please help me." The raven walked in the direction of the sound just to see a little boy sitting in the corner with tears running down his face.

"Hi, what are you doing here by yourself?"

"I-I got lost."

"Awww. Don't worry, I'll help you find your parents." The raven said as she picked him up and started to walk towards a window.

"Just stay here an-" Nayeon suddenly dropped to the ground. The little boy grin

"Good job, Kyo. Now let's get her in the van and go before the others notice."

"Okay dad." Kyo said as he watched his Dad pick up the raven unconscious body and put her in the van. Kyo put handcuffs on her hand and tape her mouth before getting in the passenger side of the van and the having his dad drive away.

Jeongyeon was starting to panic, she couldn't find Bunny anywhere and she was starting to get worried.

"What if they got her?!" I yelled. "She can't be there all alone."

"She will be fine." My mother said.

"How do you know that?!" I yelled at her. "I-I'm sorry mom. I'm just worried about her."

"I know you are, but we got to leave." I sighed and we all left. Once we got back home I went straight into my room.

I could hear my mother screaming out and crying and then Seungyeon coming into my room.

"Dad just told her Soojin is on life support and they still hugging." I just threw a pillow at her and the brunette left my room.

I grabbed a picture of both me and Nayeon from when I was ten. It showed both of us having icecream at our favorite icecream parlor. I couldn't believe I made the same mistake twice and now I don't know where Nayeon is at.

"I'll find you, Bunny." I'm not going to lose you.

Nayeon woke up in a cell, with food by her. The raven's hands were cuffed together so she had no idea how she was going to eat the food.

(Even though they're a chance that it's poisonous)

"Don't eat it!" A person yelled. It was an old man.

"That is poisonous, I seen them give everyone the same food and they all never woke up the next day. We get food every five days and it's nothing more than a bag of chips or we don't get none at all. And I assume you're a air bender because that's all they put in here. And it just us four." The man said. Nayeon looked around just to see three people.

"I only see three." A guy was sitting in the corner, not talking to anyone.

"You forgot my pet rat Pete jr. that I met yesterday." The old man said as he picked up the rat and tried to drop it in Nayeon cell, before stopping.

"You look pretty young, Younger than that dude." He motion over to the guy.

"I'm ninteen." Nayeon muttered.

"That's a real young one, usually they don't last long, What's your name? Mines is Pete and that's Hyun."

"I'm Nayeon."

"Ohhh what a pretty name. Wants some cactus juice?"

"No thank you."

"Oh, okay goodnight." Pete said as he lied down and grabbed Pete junior.

Nayeon sighed and lied on the concrete floor.

"I hope you guys can get to me in time." She mumbles before trying to go to sleep.

Avatar: Twice's Legacy Book 1: ReflectionWhere stories live. Discover now