B1: Reflection Chapter 7: Finding her pt.1

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Nayeon had called Jihyo in the middle of the night to let her know what's going on. Jihyo explained to her that the bender killers drop a bomb on the restaurant and it exploded. They then moved in and pick up some benders or killed the ones that were fighting. She wasn't sure if Mrs. Yoo was in that group of people.

The next morning Nayeon walked into the guest room to see Jeongyeon sprawled out on the bed and some of the covers were burned.

The raven sighed as she poked the brunette multiple times before she woke up.

"Huh? What's going on."

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

Jeongyeon looked down, they still couldn't find her mother so she had to prepare for the worst that her mother is dead. The brunette then looked at Nayeon arm that had a large red patch on it.

"I'm fine, but look at your arm. I'm so sorry that I did this to you."

"It's fine. It'll heal." Nayeon says before noticing her friend expression.

"Don't beat yourself up over it. I'm fine it's just a burn it'll heal. It was my fault for getting too close to you knowing that you were in an emotional state and your bending just came out."


"Anyways, I called Jihyo and she said that her dad may have an idea of where your mom went, it honestly doesn't add up. I know for a fact your mother is not dead, it's more likely they got her." I clenched my fist.

"Yeah, we couldn't even find her remains so it's more likely she's still alive."

We both got up, freshen up, eat breakfast and head to city council just to see Jihyo sitting outside.

"They having a meeting right now." Just then all of the men came out and motion for us to come in.

"Do you know where my mother is?" I asked.

"You may need to sit for this." I looked confused as the men set up a video. Jihyo and Nayeon grabbed my hand and hold me still.

"This clip came a few hours ago. It's very graphic...." Park says as he press the play button.

It showed a video of my mom tied up to a chair with bruises all over her body.

"P-please help!" My mother says before she got smacked across the face.

"Mom!" I shouted, Jihyo and Nayeon yelp in pain and moved their hands.

"Hand us over the firebender, earth bender, air bender and that new firebender girl and you'll get your precious mother back."

"Don't do it!" My mother shouted before they hit her and started to beat her.

One of the guys splash water on me to try to cool me down but they could see steam coming off of me.

"We showed you this video because we want to let you know that she is still alive and I promise you that we will find a way to get your mother back safely.

"You have a week to turn them in, or she dies." Then the clip cuts off.

I didn't know how to react.

"We will find your mother, don't worry." The Councilman said as we left.

Me and Nayeon continue to visit Yeri everyday so I could continue my training. We had exactly 3 days left before they kill my mother. My family was still in the hospital and I was getting anxious.

"I think we should all go there ourselves and get her." I said. Yeri and Nayeon looked at me.

"They obviously isn't doing anything because she's still not back so, I think we should go save her myself."

"Isn't it too risky?"

"Really Nayeon, you of all people are going to say that."

"Yeah! I wanna fight more bad guys!" Yeri exclaims.

"I guess we can do it but we'll need more people."

"I already told Joy."

"What? How."

"In a text message and she said ok, she said that she'll ask, Joohyun, Seulgi and Wendy if they want to come."


"She just told me that Jihyo will be joining, the others can't because they don't know you well enough and Seulgi said something about her bestfriend in the hospital."

"Okay, so I guess we'll settle for us five."

"Okay, so when do we leave."

"In two days... So we will practice hard and then we will leave, and find where there hideout is or where they want to do the trade." I said. After that I visited my family that was in the hospital they told me that Seungyeon and my dad was ready to be released but Soojin wasn't. We didn't know if she would live or die because there were multiple bombs and she was closest to one.

I took Seungyeon and my dad to our house to let them relax then I called Jihyo to see if she got any information.

"I got the place they want us to meet up at."

"Good. You and Joy need to meet us at Yeri's house for training tomorrow."


We did training and pretty much everyone other than me and Nayeon was advance. Taeyeon even showed up and showed me a couple of moves to help me out.

Today was the day. Me and Nayeon was at my house waiting for the others to come. Soojin still haven't been released from the hospital and I don't know if she was ever going to wake up. My dad went to the hospital today to see if he was going to take her off of life support but I stopped him and told him to wait a few more days before determining that.

Seungyeon was on the phone with someone when Jihyo and Joy arrived.

"Where's Yeri?"

"She told me that Taeyeon is holding her up. She'll be here in a few."


Yeri arrived a few moments later and we were getting ready to leave when Seungyeon came downstairs.

"What are you doing?"

"We're going to find Mom."

"You know where she is?"

"We have an idea and the Councilman haven't done anything yet so we are going to take matters into our own hands before they kill her."

"Oh.... Please be careful."

"I will." I said as we left.

Seungyeon sighs as she went to call Seulgi.

"Where Jeongyeon went?" Her dad asks.

"She went to train with some friends again." Seungyeon says. Her father nodded and left.

Seulgi picked up the phone.


"Seulgi? Can you do a favor for me?"

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