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👽why is the bus ride the best part of a school trip???

👽Humans are kinda like piñatas... if you punch them a lot they'll explode into a load of... goodies?

👽Rainbows are like really obvious multicoloured spotlights to leprechauns... why do people say that they're so rare?

👽Do you ever wonder if someone just farted at the exact same time as you?

👽I wonder if bugs call humans bugs? 🐜

👽Why am I still in the shower?????

👽I wonder how many people are having a shower at the same time as me!

👽Do piñatas feel pain... OH MY GOD

👽Gas, liquid and solid can all come out your ass...

👽My skeleton is always wet...

👽Brushing your teeth is practically cleaning your skeleton...

👽Why do I feel like the world is going to end in a war "HUMANS vs IPHONES"
.... honestly iPhones would win.


👽are llamas and alpacas secretly twins?

👽I used to be the youngest person alive

👽100 years ago there was a set of people totally different from us...

👽Why are there more butt cheeks than people in the whole world?

👽Nothing is on fire, fire is on things!

👽Lighting a birthday cake candle for each year and blowing them out is a weird ritual that symbolises how your life is going to be extinguished... WOW THATS DEEP~

👽When you say 'forward or 'back' your lips move in that direction...

{Should I carry this book on?}
Love you guys~

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2017 ⏰

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