Chapter 1 - Introduction

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Once upon a time in ancient Nooruland, there lived a young man in the city of Harmazon.

His name was Pios Okam.

He was a wealthy and respectable oil merchant who later married his childhood sweet heart called Kathriza Dubet.

Kathriza was the local dancing champion and shortly after, gave birth to a bouncing baby boy whom they named Edan.

Edan grew healthy and strong and learned very quickly. He was his mother's joy, soft to look at and always had a generous smile. Kathriza was charming and beautiful.

Everyone fell under her spell because she was gentle and kind. Most chose to call her the queen of softies.

Edan was not an only child. After him came along his two younger brothers, Kechi and Roona, and a younger sister Aronda.

Edan's family had everything they wanted. Well, almost.

Both parents worked extremely hard. They were united in team effort to ensure their children lacked nothing that was beneficial for balanced growth without being snubs.

Therefore the family of six lived a happy life in a modern castle within the ancient city where there was one entry gate into the castle grounds. It was coloured deep green. When opened, it swings back into a row of well-trimmed trees toward the front cobbled access. A secret exit gate was also located somewhere to the rear.

In the middle of the front garden stood an oval shaped fountain where birds big and small gathered to drink and to shower.

The castle was large with ten bedrooms, seven bathrooms, two breakfast rooms, three receptions and a swimming pool.

However, with all the trappings of wealth and comfort he was surrounded with, Edan was hopelessly restless.

The thing is; nobody quite knew exactly what was really troubling him.

Neither did he!

For this reason, he sometimes preferred his own company to a party of sorts.

At other times too, he would be as boisterous as any disorderly road traffic scene in Mumbai or Lagos.

Like the rest of his other siblings, he was very much loved by both his parents.

His diligent mother cast her protective and caring eyes over them all, always.

On the several occasions she volunteered to ask what was making him sad, Edan had simply put up a smiling face, but said little. And because Kathriza did not think anything much of it, she dismissed the urge to tell her husband. Instead, she assumed the mood swings were part of her little boy growing up.

Like most of his friends of similar age and character, Edan too was at crossroads. He questioned everything he'd been taught, almost. He also wanted to discover things by himself.

This phase occurs when something strange and not so endearing happens inside the brain cells of many teenagers.

For some, this transition is overnight. It does not allow for fair warning notices to any parent.

As a teenager, it is very difficult to imagine how upsetting it can be for any parent.

Still, try and imagine being a parent for one day, with kids, if you can. Imagine kissing your innocent child goodnight the night before. Only to wake up the next morning and be confronted by a sullen faced stranger in your home.

The problem for the parent is this; it is their same truly and dearly beloved child. But with a gross rebel attitude.

For the boys, some may awake with a broken voice deeper than Barry White's baritone.

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