Taking a test

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Ozpin walked back into to his office and he called Glynda to come to his office to discuss his conversation with mister Arc.

That boy...no that man was something else. He had grown so much in the span of two years. When Ozpin sent him out he was a weak, nervous boy. When he returned, he was almost a completely different person.

But he had more pressing matters then Jaune's surprising growth.

Ozpin musing was interrupted as Glynda walked in.

"How did the talk with Mister Arc go?" she asked and Ozpin sighed.

"It was...enlightening to say the least...I'm calling Qrow and Ironwood...I've found Amber." he said and Glynda nearly dropped her Riding Crop

Ozpin placed his scroll on the desk and he called Ironwood and Qrow. Ironwood answered right away.

"Ozpin this better be important." he said as his face appeared on a holographic screen. "today was one of the VERY rare days off I get."

"Wait a moment Ironwood were waiting for Qrow."

"You've reached Qrow sorry I can't answer right now I was just in the middle of getti- "

"Qrow for the love of Dust this is important...I've found Amber." he said and Qrow stopped his flask half way before he tilted his head back and down the entire bottle.

"Alright you've got my attention." he said as he capped his flask and put it back into his pocket. Ironwood nodded and Ozpin sighed.

"It would seem there's another group out there we've never noticed before. They call themselves Le Chevalier de l'âme; The Knights of the soul. It would seem Mister Arc joined their ranks and even became a General. In less than a year I might add."

Ironwood's gaze hardened. "Are you telling me there is an unknown enemy at your doorsteps."

"No. Jaune Arc was a representative; they want to work together to stop the black Queen. Amber is alive and under their care, where exactly I don't quite know. This new group disturbs me however. Jaune claims they want what we want; to protect remnant. But they apparently don't approve of our methods." said Ozpin and Glynda had to resist rolling her eyes.

"hmm wait is this the same kid you've been having me look into? The blond kid that ran away from Beacon? The same one that made my Favorite niece cry?"

"Yes Qrow, he's the same one. He gave me a scroll to contact a man called the Druid, their leader." said Ozpin

"You can't be believing this Ozpin. This could be another move from the Black Queen. We would have noticed another group in the shadows." The General cut in.

Qrow laughed a bit and Ironwood raised an eyebrow as if to say. 'What's so damn funny. I'm being serious.'

"James, I'm going to be blunt. I believe mister Arc." said Ozpin. "Right now I know about as much as you do. Jaune didn't explain much. In fact, I think it's fair to say he loathes me...The boy knows about his parents, And the mission I sent them on."

"I told you it was a bad idea I told you to wait until I checked it out a bit." said Qrow. The room was silent as they all were reminded about that tragic mission.

Ozpin sighed before he put down his coffee mug, "The point is, if Jaune is willing to bite the bullet - knowing full well I sent his parents on a suicide mission - then the Black Queen must be moving."

"...so Sal-"

"Don't speak her name lightly James." warned Ozpin.

"... the Queen is moving. Yet we haven't noticed. I find that hard to believe. We would have noticed something like this." Ironwood said.

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