You Never Listen

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Prev: Morgan was told that she is cursed and Rohan met a new friend and took her number...

Rohan POV
I have already been literally looking every where for Morgan. Yet no luck.  I rang her phone like a million times. Like I kept on ringing until my phone battery died. I now have no choice but to go home. Can't believe Morgan ditched me out here.  Uh if this was other way around she would've killed me, but I'm not like that.

I then turn back to the direction of my car, now fed up and ready to leave with or without her.


Gosh I hope she is okay because anything happens to her, it's gonna be all my fault. She's going to find some way to blame me.

Woah! What the f**k was that?

"Morgan! Are you there? Are you OK? What was that?"
I asked worriedly and ran into the house.

I heard some one crying but wasn't sure who. I search the first and second floor but didn't find her or anyone. I heard the crying louder and I realised it's Morgan and it's is coming from the basement.
I ran down the stairs and followed the crying and found Morgan on the floor with a rope tied around her neck.

"What the hell happened here?" I shouted as I knelt to her level and she looked up at me scared.

"D-do you-u l-love me?" She asked why crying. Gosh I hate when she and that.....

"Baby? You know I love you" I tried to reassured her. I do have strong feelings for her but I'm not sure it's love.

"No I don't!" She shouted and tried to get up and fell back and I caught her.

"What happened here? Who did this?" I sternly asked as I helped her up

"No. No one did this. I tried to kill myself" she reassured and her eyes fill with water again

"Why? Morgan I swear, I didn't do anything and the only reason why I was out so long is because I was looking for you. And by the way, what happened to your phone? I've been calling you literally until it died." I worriedly stated
"Now tell me why you tried to kill yourself?" I added and she frowned and look to the floor as she started

"It was at the Marathon where I met this lady..." She spoke so fast that I could hardly recognised the words but she's not in the state to repeat herself so I just said

"Okay, sorry to hear that sweetie. Let's move on."

She started to walk towards the stairs and I couldn't help but to lift her up and carry her bridal style. She seems scared and confused at the same time.

Gosh I wish I could see in her head.

Morgan POV
Gosh I hope yesterday was a dream because that a tole on me. Rohan he loves me, just like the lady said. And if that's true, that means the rest is true too.  😞

Gotta go on a vacation with him where there is no distractions, just the two of us. Oh yes I know the perfect place for our little get away.


"Morning bae" I heard a voice in front of me.

"Hmm" I signed as I tried to opened my eyes but failed.

"About last night, what was that about?" I heard the voice asked and I realised that it was Rohan's voice.

"I don't want to talk about it. Lets just forget about it okay" I frowned.

"Um.. But -" he started to say something when i cut him off "but nothing, Rohan" and he sighed.

This if so hard. I don't want to believe that creepy lady, but I want to believe that Rohan really loves me. The last thing I want is to feel insecure cause I'll have a psycho fit and may hurt him this time.

"Rohan, I have something to talk to you about" I stated and tried to look excited but I can see through any smile.

"Yay! Finally" now he sounds a little too excited

Rohan POV
Yes finally she's going to tell me what happened yesterday at the Marathon again cause the first time I didn't hear anything.

"Glad that you finally think it's right to tell me what was up with you yesterday" I said and she paused then started

"You never listen! And you think that this is easy for me huh! You just never listens. One I already told you from yesterday and two this morning I told you I don't wanna talk about it! What is the matter with you? I hate you!... I'm sorry I didn't mean that."

"It's okay, I can't believe I was trying to change for you. Just to hear you say 'you hate me.' I'm leaving!" I stated both emotionally and angrily as I stepped out and pull out my phone.

Me: hey! Kira it's Rohan. You busy?

Kira: no. Not for you at least

Me: 😊 I need a place to stay. Have any vacancy?

Kira: hell yeah! For you anything 😍

Me: OK come pick me up at the square in about 15mins

Kira: OK I'll be there in 10

I went back and shoved an underwear in pocket and also my toothbrush.

"Rohan, please don't leave. I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that. I was angry. Please understand... Rohan-" she started explaining but I cut her off and said "I don't want to hear it. You should be lucky if I'm back tomorrow." As I closed the door.

Wait.. Did the chapter just finished?? I guess but what is going to happen they haven't even got to the forest as yet. Gosh I hope they sort it out.

Do you believe Rohan is going to f**k away his grief and disappointment. Or something worst...

Morgan & Rohan has to be together.
Stupid Morgan, not watching her words and foolish Rohan, being too sensitive towards an upset woman's words.
Or are they...

Next update coming soon...

Hint for next chapter:
"What are you doing? I didn't came for you to leave"

The Forest: And it's Secrets. (Book 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin