Exposure & Confusion

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Thank you for reading thus far. And please remember to vote and comment what you think going to happen and how it turned out. Okay a little heads up: this a really long chapter to make up the long time I took to update. Longest update so far sorry parents and school and allot of stuff okay back to the story. Love y'all 😘

Prev: Morgan and Rohan had an argument and Morgan may or may not said something she didn't mean. Rohan was shocked and disappointed so he left to stay with Kira the girl he met at the Marathon.

Morgan POV

I can't believe that I said that to him. Oh God please help me fix this. I wonder where is he, I've been calling him ever since he left. Oh God please let him be at his mother's or a family members house or at a male friend's. 😭What have I done.

Telephone conversation:
Me: hello, Grace. Um…can I speak with Rohan please? He left me without saying where to.

Grace: no. He's not here. What happened between you and him?

Me: um…nothing big…we got heated and we might have said some words that we didn't mean and he just left without the car so I can't track his location.

Grace: um…oh I will see what I can do later. But now I'm at the hospital.

Me: okay thanks. Why are you at the hospital?

Grace: I going to see a doctor for some heart issue I'm having.

Me: oh sorry to hear that OK thanks again goodbye.

Grace: yeah ta-ta
Telephone call ended

That was Grace, Rohan's mother. Hope she is going to be OK though. Okay now I'm going to call his sisters and friend. 😔

Rohan POV
Yeah that looks like her. Can't believe Morgan had the guts to say that to me, after all of her bullish*t that I put up with😡. Just the thought that I was going to actually change for her😬. This is how I learnt to stay the way God made you. And not to change or try change for anyone but Him.

"Psst" I heard a sound and looked to the accurate direction, to see a pitch black sports car with this beautiful girl around the staring wheel.

"Need a lift sir" she said innocently

"Sure! I've been here waiting for my new roommate for like hours. You don't happen to know a girl by the name Shakêra/Kira do you?" I continued the act.

"So, what happen?" She curiously asked "if you wanna talk about it. If not, no problem. Get in and let's go to my place. It's a good distance though" she added

"When we reach, it is a pretty long and fascinating story so it's better not to listen while driving" I stated and she agreed immediately.

"You probably won't get your phone service up there though. Not all network works there. So we'll have adequate time to talk and do what ever" she reassured and I nodded.

No cell service. Hmm, it's probably for the best. That girl must have gotten to my mother and sisters already so they can't reach me while I'm there.

Wait is this a trap…no! I'm over reacting.

We drove for about an hour or so in silence. No thoughts were shared. Although allot was going through my head just couldn't find a way to put them in sentences.

"So…" she said and break the ever lasting silence in car.
"So…?" I repeated what she said cause I had nothing to say

"How are you?" She awkwardly asked, I think that question is rhetorical so I sighed and looked at her

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