Cursed You Out Of This World

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Pay very close attention to this chapter, because the pov will change unexpectedly. So please to understand the action in the story, please keep an keen eye out. Thank you 😘😘

Prev: Morgan got upset at Rohan for something he almost did. And Kira is planning on making it worst.

Rohan Pov
As she was about to throw something else at me the door bell rang
Phew saved by the bell
Wonder who, can't be Shakêra after what happen between us.

As Morgan opened the door, I peeped around through the partition door way.
Omg! This girl must be crazy! What is she doing here. Oh must to explain what happened last night.

"What do you want?" I heard Morgan greeted her with

"Can I come in" Kira replied as step pass Morgan

"I didn't answer" Morgan said in a obvious tone

"Sorry. You didn't have a choice and I want asking. I meant to say, 'move out of my way so i can come in" Kira scowled and I saw Morgan's sanity left her immediately

Oh this is not good.

"Bitch! This is my-" Morgan was about to say it's her place when Kira butted in

"-ex-boyfriend's place. Yeah I know. And by the way, I'm Shakêra Reedy-Courtney. Rohan's new girlfriend and fiancé. He proposed last night after our little get together. And I heard the noise and all so I assume he told you and you're not taking it well" OMG Kira did not just said all that.
I immediately pushed around the corner same time, Morgan and Kira turned to me. Morgan giving me the 'you're dead' look and Kira giving me the 'pay back time' look.

"What is wrong with you?!" I shouted at Kira

"I know what's wrong with her! She's DEAD!" Morgan rushed over to Kira strangling her

"Oh shit! Morgan stop!" I shouted as I ran over to them

The moment I touched Morgan, I felt a sonic wave hit me to the wall all most hit me out is consciousness. Morgan is still there over Kira but she seemed dead. Can't believe Morgan cared that much.

"Morgan" I said in an astonishing voice.

Morgan POV
Lur: you'll soon find out... And to keep you on the good side, drop your jealousy. Your spouse loves you(mumble)


Mumble= he will hurt you and then you will lose yourself=

"WHY!? WHAT HAVE I DONE!" I kept shouting

"Morgan?" I heard Rohan's voice woke me from my deep trance

"You're NEXT YOU BASTARD!" I want to kill him. I feel like I need to kill him.

"Morgan, she lied to you. I'm sorry"he begged me to spare his life and believe him.

"Why should I believe you" I said in a calmer tone

"Because, it is the truth" he continued

Rohan POV
"Morgan! Please believe me" I beseeched her forgiveness and mercy but she didn't answer. "Morgan say something" I begged her

"Morgan? Ha! She's gone"she replied in a deeper tone

" Morgan? Why do you sound like that?  I asked in a caring voice

"You deaf!? Morgan is gone! DEAD!" she said and let down her hair

"Morgan! You have to fight this. I know you're in there" I tried to reach Morgan

"You're next!" She said as she began walking towards me. Her eyes turned completely black, her hair started to rise above her head, her hand looked like lightening are running through them.

"Morgan! Please! Don't do this" I feel to my knees begging her.

OMG- she is in the air shouting some language no one knows.
Oh God I'm done for. A flash of lightening strike before me and Morgan appeared and picked me up by my neck strangling me. I can feel the current running through my body

"M-Morg-an! Pl-ea-se?" I tried to soften her.

At the point where I was about to release my last breath…she loosen her grid and her eyes return to normal and her hair fell back down. I gasped.

"Morgan…I knew you could fight this"was the only words I could say.

"My name is Cynthia White, I don't know if you've heard about me but I'm the woman who killed her family out of jealousy, and tried to bring them back but failed. So I set my spirit free in this forest until the perfect couple about." She stated

"You're not Morgan? You are the witch…no offence from the story Morgan told me! You've waited for the perfect couple you say? Where is Morgan? How long have you been waiting for? Why you chose us? What is so 'perfect' about Morgan and I?" I just couldn't stop asking questions. I felt lost. I felt like I've been sleeping for a century.

"Slow down. Not so fast! Okay let me start to answer the less obvious questions. Morgan is…gone. Sorry. But her and I souls merged together when she did that" she motioned her head to Kira's dead body. "I've been waiting for a century and more. I chose you two because kira was in the picture, you aren't a very loyal/secure guy and Morgan is super jealous and she had magical potential. All this was to set me free from this forest" she explained

Can't believe this. Morgan is really……gone.

"When you said Morgan is gone what exactly did you mean?" I asked worried

"Her life ended. Her morals wasn't strong enough to fight me. But…her soul is not dead" I stopped her

"It isn't" I got slightly happier

"No, it's not dead but it has merged with mine" I immediately lost that little happiness.

"Can you please kill or something?" I asked feeling empty and useless.

"I can kill you if you wish. But I also can do something better if you like?" She stated

"What could possibly be better than death in my state of emptiness?" I asked as I ran my hands through my hair.

"Well. Allot of things, but I can give you another life. In an alternate universe where your are younger. What do you think?" She elaborated

"Well…okay yes…but will I remember this life?" I asked

"I don't know that. This is not going to be a gift, remember I'm an evil witch. It will be more like a curse out of this world!" Wow that was shocking to hear but what ever this life sucks anyways and I get to be young again.

Her eyes turned black again, her hair started to float again. She is now in the air shouting some language. I don't think it's a language. But wait how old will I be…

"Ho-" as I was about to ask a lightening bolt hit me unconscious

Okay readers thank you very much for reading, voting and commenting. It all meant so much to me. It if my motivation.

Did it ended up how you thought it would or it was totally unexpected!        Hope you like it though. Thanks y'all for reading and voting again. Please follow my profile and share my stories.

Bonus right below 😁😁

Two more scrolls

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