Last Year

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(A year later)
It was their last year of school and it was a month before they graduate. "Good morning Mal!" Evie yelled. "Ugh! Let me sleep!" Mal said annoyed. "No! We have school today! Get up!" She said and dragged Mal out of bed. "Evie!" Mal yelled annoyed. "What you need to get ready. I mean we only have one month until we graduate." "Hey E?" "Yeah M?" "Are you and Doug still dating?" Mal asked grabbing a shirt. "No. We weren't even dating." Evie answered and continued on brushing her hair. "What?! I thought you two were! You made me think for a whole year that you two were!" "Nope sorry." "Evie!" "Sorry." "No wonder you two never hung out." "Yeah well let's just go to school."

(At school)
"There's Ben. I'm gonna go talk to him." Mal told Evie and walked to him. "Okay." Evie said with a sigh but Mal didn't hear her. "Hello beautiful." A guy stopped Mal and said. "Um hi? Excuse me." She replied trying to pass him. "Where you going?" "Over to Ben." "Why? You're talking to me." "Gil! Please move!" "Everything okay over here?" Ben walked up and asked. "Yeah. Everything's okay man." Gil answered and left. "Sorry I really thought he was cool. Maybe I should've hung out with him more. I feel like he hates me." Ben said with a sigh and leaned against the lockers. "Ben who could hate you?" Mal asked putting her hand on his shoulder. "Some people." Ben replied and sigh again then left. "Ben."

(At lunch)
"Hello everyone." Ben greeted them as he sat down. "Hey Ben." Evie said upset. "You okay Evie?" Ben asked. "Yeah." "Hey Evie can we talk?" Ben asked pulling her aside. "What's up?" Evie asked. "Um so I wanna... You know propose to Mal but I don't know when because the last time I wanted to she stopped me before I could even ask her." "Well how about when we graduate." Evie suggested. "That's a good idea thanks Evie." "Yep." "You sure you're okay?" "Yeah I'm fine. "Okay just checking."

(Last week)
"Happy last week of school." Ben said meeting Mal at her locker. "Right back at you." She replied closing her locker. "So Mal I just wanna let you know I have a surprise for you on graduation day." "Mm okay." She replied and looked at him suspiciously. "Let's get to class." Ben said and grabbed her hand and they walked to class.

(After school)
"Ok we gotta go get dresses to wear for graduation." Evie told Mal in their walk back from school. "Okay when?" "Now!" Evie yelled with excitement. "Well let's go home first." Mal told her. "Yeah." They got home and dropped their bags off and then left to go to the store.

(An hour later)
"Wanna grab something to eat?" Evie asked. "Yeah we can invite Ben." Mal replied. "Oh." "What's wrong?" "Nothing." "Evie come on. What's wrong?" "Fine! Um... Mal don't hate me or Ben." "Why would I?" "Because..." "What?" "We..." "Evie! What is it?!" "We kissed! But it wasn't really anything. It was when his parents died and he had a lot of emotions. But I pushed him away. It was nothing too big that's why I never told you. I'm sorry. Don't break up with Ben. To be honest he broke up with you so you two weren't dating." Mal didn't say anything she was just shocked. "Mal?" "I'm fine. Thank you for telling me." "So you're not mad?" "Well a little. But it's not it meant anything. Right?" "Right." "Okay then why worry."

(At dinner)
"Thanks for inviting me to dinner with you guys." Ben said. "Of course any time babe." Mal replied and grabbed his hand and looked at Evie. Evie gave her a friendly smile. Mal smiled back. Ben looked at both of them confused. "Okay what's going on?" Ben asked really confused. "Nothing. Just two friends smiling at each other." Mal answered. "Oh okay..." Ben replied still confused.

(After dinner)
"Thanks again for inviting me. I'll see you tomorrow?" Ben said when he walked them to their door. "You're welcome again. Goodnight babe see ya tomorrow." "Yep. Bye Evie." Ben said and waved to Evie. "Bye Ben." Evie said and waved.

(Last day)
"Uh." "What's wrong babe?" Ben asked Mal. "It's our last day of school." "So?" "So... I don't really know why I'm sad." "Haha." Ben laughed and reached for her hand. "Once last time?" Ben asked with his hand still waiting for Mal to take. "Sure." Mal replied and took it.

(After school)
"Well everyone how's was your last day?" Ben asked all their friends. "Good." They all said. "Great." He said and grabbed Mal's hand. Evie watched them be all cute around each other. "How about we throw a big end of the year party." "That sounds like a great idea babe." Mal replied. "Great it'll be at the same place we always have parties.

(At the party)
Ben and Mal danced as Evie just sat at one of tables watching them. "Hold on babe. I'll be right back." Mal told Ben. Evie saw Mal coming so she turned around. "E? You okay?" "What? Oh yeah I'm fine. You having fun?" "Yeah. But you're not." "Yeah I am." "Really? You don't look like you're having fun. Come dance with me and Ben. It was our last day so you should be having fun not sitting around upset." Mal told her and made her stand up. "Let's go." Mal said pulled her over to Ben. "See we can all have fun together." Mal explained.

(Graduation day)
They called everyone and when they were done they threw another party. "Mal?" Ben said walking up to her wearing a suit with a black jacket, black pants, and a black tie with a white shirt. "Well someone looks hot." Mal said with a smirk. "So do you." Ben replied pulling Mal close to him. "Well you..." Mal was about to say but saw Evie watching them. "Be right back." Mal told him and walked over to Evie. "Evie! Look you can go over there." "No! I don't want to ruin your moment." "What moment?!" "Mal please just go over with Ben." Evie replied and walked away. "E!" She tried to call to her. "Mal!" Ben called to her. "Coming!" She called back. "Yeah what's up?" "This." Ben replied and kneeled down on one knee. "Ben!" "Mal will you make the most happiest guy in the world and marry me?" "Um..." She said and looked around and saw everyone watching them. "Um... Sorry." Mal said and ran off. "Mal!" Ben tried yelling. "Ben! I'll get her!" Evie called to him. "Okay thanks!" He called back.

"M! M where are you?!" Evie ran into their room and found Mal packing all her stuff. "Mal! What are you doing?!" "Leaving!" "Why?!" "Because I can't do this!" "Do what?!" "Say no and have to face him all the time knowing that I said no. Plus if I say no he'll probably just break up with me!" "Mal!" "I mean I really love him but..." "Mal!" "What?!" "Why would you say no?! I thought you love him?" "I do but I don't know if I wanna marry him. I'm sorry Evie but I'm leaving." "Mal." "No I made my decision! I'm leaving and you can't stop me!" "Okay. If you're leaving I'm leaving too." "No! You're staying here. I remember how much you were happy about coming here. You called me and told me how much you loved this place. I don't think this place is really for me but it's for you. Anyways I gotta go." Mal said and grabbed all her bags and ran out. "M! M come back!" She ran after her but she was to late because Mal already got in a cab and they drove away.

Evie walked back to the party with her head down. "Evie! Where is she?!" Ben asked running up to her. "She left." "What?!" "I'm so sorry. Ben?" "Yeah?" He asked and looked up. "Here." She gave him back his school ring he gave to Mal when they first started dating. "Ben I'm so sorry." Evie tried to say. "Excuse me." Ben said walking away. "Ben! Wait!" Evie tried calling to him.

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