Doctor's Appointment

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(Couple months later)
Today Ben and Mal have to go to the doctor's to find out what they're having. "Ready to go?" Ben asked. "Yep let's go." Mal replied and they got into the car. They got to the hospital and checked in. A few minutes later they took them in. "Okay it might be a little cold." The doctor told her.

(A few minutes later)
"Well the baby is fine. Would you like to know what gender it is?" She asked both of them. They both shook their heads yes. "Okay it's a boy." Mal felt a tear roll down her face. "Mal it's okay." Ben said and whipped away the tears. "I know it is. I'm just so happy." She said with a huge smile and hugged Ben.

"Okay so we'll see you back in a couple months to check on him." The doctor explained. "Okay thanks doc." Ben replied and they walked out." "Okay so we can think of some boy's names." Mal said. "How about Ben Jr." "Haha nice." Mal replied.

(At the castle)
"I'm gonna call Evie and tell her." Mal told Ben. "Okay you do that babe." He replied and sat on the couch. "Hey E." "Hey M. Guess what?!" "What?" "I'm moving back. But while I'm waiting to move in to my new place can I stay with you and Ben?" "Yeah of course.
Anyways..." "Oh thank you! You're the best!" "Evie!" "What?" "I have good news." "What?" "We found out what we're having?" "Tell me! Tell me!" "Okay. We're having a boy!" "Woohoo!" She screamed into the phone and even Ben heard it. "Wow." Ben said looking at Mal. "I know. That's what she's like." "What?" Evie asked. "Nothing. We were just talking about how excited you get." "Oh. Yeah that's me." "Yeah. Well I gotta go." "Okay tell Ben I said hi and bye." "K. Ben Evie said hi and bye." "Tell I said hi and bye too." "He says the same thing." "Okay bye." "Bye E." Mal replied and hung up.

(The next day)
"What about Adam Jr.? You know after my dad." "We'll see. Plus we still have a few months to decide on the name." "You're right. Anyways whatcha wanna do for dinner?" "Maybe go out? We haven't gone out in awhile." Mal answered. "Yeah. We can." Ben replied.

(At the restaurant)
"This is exactly what we needed." Ben said. "Yep. A toast to us." Mal replied and they both cheered and took a sip. "Would you like a boneless buffalo wing?" Ben asked picking one up with his fork. "I would." Mal answered. He reached over and feed it to her. "Mm. That is delicious." "I know right?" Ben asked eating one himself. "How is everything?" A waiter came up and asked. "Perfect." Ben answered. "But can we each get another drink?" "Of course." The waiter said and took their cups. "This is perfect." Ben said and grabbed Mal's hand. "You and me here together with a baby boy on the way." "Perfect." Mal repeated. "Here you are." The waiter said giving them their drinks. "Thank you." They both said at the same time.

(Back at the castle)
They stayed out late so as soon as they got home they went straight to bed. Ben climbed into bed and Mal not too long after. "Ugh I can't wait anymore!" Ben said touching Mal's stomach. "Six more months." Mal told him. "I know but I can't wait that long." Ben complained. "You'll be fine." "Yeah goodnight angel." Ben replied and fell asleep." "Night babe." Mal said and then fell asleep too.

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