Wedding Day

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Today is Ben and Mal's wedding. "Okay okay I can do this!" Mal kept saying. "Mal you'll be fine." Evie said trying to calm her down.

(An hour before wedding)
People were walking in finding seats. Mal was in the other room with Evie and her dad. Her parents has to rush here few days before. "Everyone is here. Are we ready?" Jay came in and asked. "Yeah we're ready." Evie said and looked at Mal. Mal shook her head yes. "Okay." Jay replied and ran out.

The bridesmaids came down and Evie was her maid of honor. Her bridesmaids  were some of the friends Mal made here. Their names were Jane and Lonnie. Then Mal came down with her dad and Ben stood there looking at her in awe. "What?" She asked when she got up to him. "You... You look amazing!" He replied. "Why thank you. You don't look to bad yourself." "Let us start." The priest said.

(The I do's)
"Do you Benjamin take Mal to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked Ben. "I do." He replied nervously. "And do you Mal take Benjamin to be your lawfully wedded husband?" "I do." She replied also nervously. "Well then with the power invested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." The priest said. Ben grabbed Mal and dipped her then they kissed. Everyone started cheering like crazy.

(After party)
"Let's have the maid of honor give her speech. "Okay." Evie said. "Okay. I would like to make a toast to the groom!" She said and her and everyone else lifted their glasses and yelled. "To the groom!" "A toast to the bride!" She yelled. "To the bride!" Everyone yelled. "Now!" Evie said getting everyone's attention. "The first time you two met I knew that you two were meant to be." She said and took a breath. "Anyways I am so happy that you two met and made each other happy! Again! To the groom!" She yelled. "To the groom!" Everyone yelled. "To the bride!" She yelled. "To the bride!" "Love you two." Evie said last and winked at both of them.

"Oh E! That was amazing. Thank you." Mal said and stood up and hugged her. "Of course." "Yeah thanks Evie." Ben said. "Yep." She replied with a grin.

(During the party)
"Excuse me everyone!" Jay said into the microphone. "Can we have the bride and groom have their dance." Ben put his hand out for Mal and they walked into the middle. "Hit it!" Jay called. A slow song started. Everyone watched in awe. Evie stood there trying to stay positive. After the song they played more songs until the food was ready. When they were all done eating they brought out the cake. "Okay the bride and the groom get the first pieces." A waiter said who was cutting the cake.

(After the wedding)
"Congratulations again guys." Jay said as he was leaving. "Thanks." Ben and Mal both said. "So where are we going for our honeymoon?" Mal asked. "Well I know this really amazing..." "Hey sweetie." Mal's mom said as her and Mal's dad walked over to them. "Hey Mom and Dad." Mal said annoyed but was not showing it. "Congratulations sweetie." Her mom said and gave her hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Yeah." Her dad said. "Hey son?" Her dad said talking to Ben. "Yeah?" Ben asked facing him. "You take good care of my daughter. And if you break her heart I will..." "Okay Dad! I think he gets it." "Oh alright. Bye sweetheart." He said and gave Mal a kiss on the head. "Bye Dad! Bye Mom!" "Bye honey." Her mom said and they left. "Nice parents." Ben said. "Yeah well now they're your parents in law." Mal replied. "Yeah I know."

(Mal and Evie's dorm)
"Well I'm beat I'm just gonna get some sleep." Mal told Evie when she got in there. "Alright night." "Night." Mal replied and changed and fell right asleep. "You're not gonna brush?" Evie asked. "Too tired." Mal mumbled. "Well okay."

Evie was texting someone and her last text before she went to bed was. "She will hate me though." She sent that then went to change and brush her teeth and went to sleep.

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