Chapter One: My Mom Doesn't Have a Car Anymore

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"Okay, honey, be right back!" my mom called cheerfully as she hopped out of the car. I smiled at her and nodded, turning back to my music. Mom was going to be gone for a minute or two, so she left the keys in the car incase I got hot.

"Okay mom," I said as the door to the truck closed.

-stance Disturbs Me

Separated by a screen

It's just a bittersweet

Success with a dash of failure

I'm hanging by a thread

Intentions cut to-

"Ha ha! Let's do it!" I paused my music and ripped my earbuds out, halfheartedly expecting my mom to be there. Except it wasn't her.

"Move over, kid!" said a dark-skinned man with a drunken slur.

I was pushed into the door as the man and another one with a funny haircut jumped into the car, making me drop my tablet. The passenger side door opened, which was one seat in front of me, and a boy with blonde hair hopped in as well. They weren't doing what I thought they were doing. Were they? I started to hyperventilate as a boy with dirty blonde hair started the engine. The dark-skinned man noticed and slapped a hand over my mouth. I knew these people. I knew these faces. My eyes widened with realization, and I let out a deafening scream.

Or, it would've hurt people's ears, if not for the hand covering my mouth.

"Hey, shut up, will you?!" the dark-skinned man--Dan--yelled, putting his hands around my throat. Oh no... I began to cry and tried to take his hands off of my neck, but to no avail.

Just as my vision started to go dark, the boy with the funny haircut--Zach--in the seat beside Dan put his hand on Dan's shoulder. Dan let me go, allowing me to breathe. I gasped for air and shot up, looking at Cody in the driver's seat and Maxx in the passenger. Cody looked a little ticked off when he looked back at Zach and Dan, and Maxx just had a mellow face on.

"Dude!" Zach said. "You can't kill them! They're a fairy!"

"What?" Dan said. "Fairies can't die!"

"Bro, fairies can die if you don't believe in them!" Maxx said, looking back at Dan with wide eyes.

"Ohh," Dan said, putting a finger to his chin and looking down at me.

Cody started chanting. "Believe in the fairy. Believe in the fairy. Believe in the fairy. Believe in the fairy!" Until all the boys in the car were chanting the line over and over again. My vision hadn't gotten better because it was still fading black. I tried to stay awake but I fell asleep soon after the boys started full-out yelling 'Believe in the fairy'.

Heart pounding, I woke up in a cold sweat. I checked myself. All my clothes were on. I had a pulse. And most importantly, I had a memory. Except, I was in a dark box of a space. There were clothes above me. I was in a closet. I was in a freaking closet.

I began sobbing, bringing my knees to my face to cry into them. It wasn't a dream. It couldn't have been real, though, could it? It really couldn't have been Set it Off... They were my favorite band, and weren't they supposed to be on tour? I cried out into my jeans. At least I wasn't tied up.

Maxx's Point of View

I woke up on the couch, under Dan's back. Of course. I groaned, pushing Dan off of me and onto the floor.

"Oohhh," Dan moaned, turning onto his back and stretching on the ground.

"We got hammered..." I complained, clutching my head.

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