Chapter Three: Please Remember

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Dan's Point of View

I walked downstairs as usual, awake before everyone else. Grabbing a cup of coffee, I walked over to the living room. (Y/N) was there as usual. We really needed to make some space for them. Maybe they could sleep in the same room as one of us. The couch had to be getting old by now. I smiled and sat down on the ground since (Y/N) was sprawled out on the couch, one foot hanging off the edge, as well as an arm. I smirked at them. (Y/N) was so cute. I shook my head. I had a girlfriend. I couldn't go behind her back and cheat. I slapped myself. It was probably because I was tired.

"You shouldn't hit yourself. Its bad for your self-esteem."

I jumped at (Y/N)'s voice. They laughed as they rolled over, me chuckling along with them. They had an adorable laugh. I shook my head.

"I thought you were asleep," I said with a smile.

"I was asleep, until I heard your loud feet stimp-stomping down the stairs," (Y/N) laughed.

"I'll be as quiet as a mouse next time," I told them, smiling.

"But mice scurry loudly--"

"I'll be as quiet as undisturbed air," I assured (Y/N).

"Sorry," (Y/N) said. I chuckled at them. "Is it five again?"

"Yeah," I said grimly.

"Why are you getting up so early?" they asked me.

I shrugged. "I can't sleep knowing we did something like that, I guess."

In less than a minute, I was on my feet, and heading towards the staircase, and (Y/N) was pulling me by my wrist.

"(Y--What are you doing?" I asked in a quiet voice as we reached the top of the stairs. I looked to the guy's doors. Everyone's was closed, so they probably didn't hear our footsteps. I could only imagine what they would think if they did, the pervs. I huffed.

(Y/N) dragged me to my room and closed the door, finally letting my wrist go and pointing to my bed with a peeved look on their face. "You. Sleep. Now."

I was so confused. "What?"

(Y/N) sighed and dragged me over to the bed. "Like this," they said in a sarcastic tone, flopping onto my bed and looking at me. "And then you close your eyes." (Y/N) demonstrated by shutting their eyes. In a few seconds I heard a light snoring, and chuckled. It really didn't take much for them to fall asleep, huh? Kind of like Maxx. I smiled, shrugged to myself, and climbed into the bed with (Y/N). I faced away from them so they wouldn't punch me when they woke up. I actually fell asleep in a few seconds

My Point of View

I woke up on an actual bed, not the couch downstairs. I honestly didn't know where I was for a second. After that second was over, I remembered last night and laughed, turning over to see Dan still asleep beside me. I carefully got out of the bed, shutting the door behind me. All the doors in the hallway were closed, except for the bathroom. I giggled, remembering when I found their house tour video

"That's the bathroom."

Cody stood in the doorway, flipping the light on and off with a malevolent look on his face.

I suddenly felt really dirty. I hadn't taken a shower in a while, had I? Guess I should probably do that; how long was it since I'd had a shower?

Let's see..., I thought as I walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I showered the day they took the truck... I slept for an evening until the next day... then we went to that carnival thing... I blushed at the thought of it, turning the water on. And then there was today. I haven't taken an shower in like, three days.

I shook my head from my thoughts, sure that the guys wouldn't mind if I used the shower. It might wake them up though. I shrugged, hoping that they wouldn't mind that either as I slipped out of my pants. After I had all my clothes off I walked into the shower, closing the curtain behind me.

"Maaaxx," I whined, looking up at him with a pout.

He smirked down at me. "Want it back?" He was holding my clean shirt that I'd came here in above my head. I wanted to change back into it and stop using Cody's hoody, because I felt rude and out of place using it.

I nodded my head at Maxx and furrowed my brows.

He laughed. "You're gonna have to climb me to get it."

I groaned. Why was he being so annoying today? Zach was walking to the kitchen, and when he walked behind Maxx he snatched my shirt and tossed it to me. I smiled at him.

Dan called, "Look at the flick of the wrist!" And I burst out laughing along with Cody, Zach chuckling. Maxx still had a smirk, plastered across his face, and he gave my head a pat before walking off into the kitchen. At least he was happy; in the videos that I watched of the four, I barely ever saw him smile. It made me worried back then, honestly.

I turned around and walked upstairs to the bathroom once more, closing the door and taking Cody's hoody off and putting it on the counter before throwing my shirt over my shoulders. I took the hoody and opened the door, using one hand to reach up for the tail of my shirt. When I stepped out, Danny was right there. And I mean right there. I almost bumped into him. I blushed and quickly pulled my shirt down, looking away.

"Sorry," I said.

"You don't have to apologize," Dan said, looking away as well. "I was just going to the bathroom."

"O-okay," I said, walking towards the stairs. I put Cody's hoody in the laundry room and walked back to the kitchen. It was a little after twelve, and we'd all eaten. My heart started beating faster when I walked into the kitchen because Maxx had called me in there. His voice was serious, and that made me nervous.

"What?" I asked, sitting down at the table with a concerned look on my face.

"Look, (Y/N), you have to remember where you live. We all got amber alerts on our phones, and its on the news by now," Zach told me.

I looked down. "I don't remember where I live, guys..."

"Look up at me, (Y/N)." I did what Zach asked. "Please don't lie to us, we're only trying to get you home."

I was shocked that they'd even think I was lying to them. "I'm not lying to you! Why would I do that?!"

"Chill, we're just wondering," Maxx said.

Dan walked down the stairs just then. "What're we doing?"

"Trying to get (Y/N) to remember where they live," Cody answered quickly.

I thought hard, gritting my teeth and going through my memories. It went on for a good five minutes before I remembered where my hometown was. I gasped, my head shooting up. I almost hit one of the guys in the face with my head; it was either Zach or Dan, but I didn't look around to see.

"I remember where I grew up at..." I said with a blush on my face. Everyone at the table leaned forward to hear where I was from.

Hello there :) Yes, I cut the chapter there so you can choose where you actually come from. I dunno were you live X3 Anyways, I got a question^^ What's your favorite Set it Off song? Or, what do you think the band member's favorite song is? Stay amazingly awesome :D

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