Chapter Four: So Many Emotions

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It was a typical rainy day. Not one of us wanted to go outside, or anywhere, really. Well, actually, Dan was gone to his girlfriend's house. So it was just me, Zach, Maxx, and Cody. We were all watching the news to see about me, like where the cops were searching and stuff.

"Breaking news," the female reporter said in a serious, but sad voice. "The mother of (Y/N), the same (Y/N) who disappeared no less than a week ago, has died in a car crash."

I blinked. That couldn't have been right. My mother? Some other person, perhaps? Not my mom. No. No. No. No.

"There were no survivors at the scene. Four cars crashed into each other at the same time at a four-way intersection. Police and medics arrived, but they were far too late. Three of the four people, including (Y/N)'s mother, were killed instantly. Terry Ash, a single man in his forties, died ten minutes after everyone else in the crash. Terry was driving drunk, and was going home from a local bar."

There had been screaming long before that. I heard it. I didn't even feel myself drop to the ground on my knees. No. No. No. No. NO. Not my mother. Not now. The guys were going to take me home this weekend. They'd promised me that. This couldn't have happened. My mom HAD to be alive!!!

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)!" And suddenly, Maxx was by my side. What was he doing here? Why was there still screaming? Who was screaming?

Oh my God... It was me...

"(Y/N), shh, shh. I know it hurts. I know, I know." And there was Cody on my other side. Maxx was cradling me and hushing me, and Cody was trying to console me. I sobbed into Maxx's chest, Cody hugging me from behind. I held onto Cody's arm and buried my face in Maxx's chest as I screamed out, tears staining his shirt and my cheeks. Zach turned off the TV quicker than Roadrunner being chased by Coyote. He just looked down at Cody with a panicked face, like he didn't know what to do, before running around and trying to comfort me as well. I just laid limp in Maxx's lap, crying for who knows how long.

Before I got the motivation to look up and see how long it had been, my legs were carrying me. I was running towards the staircase, two rivers still rushing down my bed-stream cheeks. I could hear the guys calling after me, and even some footsteps rushing after me. Adrenaline pumped through my body as my heart rate spiked. I didn't want to be caught and hugged and held. Sure, I wanted comfort, but I also wanted alone time. It was complicated...

I ran strait for Dan's room, slamming the door behind me. He was gone, he wouldn't mind it. I locked the door behind myself and jumped onto the bed, pulling my knees to my chest and sobbing. Soon I heard the door handle moving up and down, then someone knocking on the door.

"(Y/N)! Please let us in, (Y/N)," I heard Zach's voice call.

"SHE'S DEAD!" I screamed into my knees.

"We know, we only want to help," Cody called. "I--I know how it feels to loose a parent. Just let us in." His voice had a catch, and I knew he was thinking about his dad. My heart sank even lower than it already was when I realized that I was hurting him.

"Leave me alone, guys!" I cried. "I don't wanna talk right now!" I sniffled, whipping my nose on my knees. I heard murmuring outside the door, and tried to quiet down so I could hear what was happening.

"--she said if (Y/N) was found they'd go to their dad," Zach said in a hushed voice, me barely making out his words.

"Their dad? They never mentioned their dad," Maxx said, his voice louder than Zach's.

That was all of the conversation that I needed to hear. I started shaking, my breathing quickly becoming hyperventilation, just like it was when the band had robbed my mom's truck. My dad. Not my dad, never, ever, would I go to my dad. I only had a few memories of him from when I was small, around five, maybe? He'd go out and get drunk when I was two, I remembered that. I remembered a lot from when I was around four, though. He wouldn't even be drunk and hit my mother right in front of me, as if asking me what I'd do. I never had the heart to do anything though, and I regretted it so, so much right now. He'd look at me and flash an evil smile, as if daring me to do something. To take a step in their direction. To try and stop him.

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