Tomlinson estate

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The rest of the car ride to the Tomlinson villa was quite quiet.

I pretended to sleep for the rest of the ride. After 2 hours we finally got to the Tomlinson Villa.

Louis and Harry ran off to their room.
Niall ran to his room too.

Liam and I were the only ones at the car. " Zayn looks like we'll be sharing a room bud !" Liam said patting my back.

" Heh heh !" I laughed awkwardly.

Liam looked at me. " Zayn " Liam said staring at me. " Yes ?" I asked staring right back at him. Liam took something out of his bag and gave it to me.

" This belongs to you I believe " Liam said.

Liam then ran off into the Tomlinson estate.

I looked at my hands to see that Liam had handed me my songbook.

Shit ! He must have read my songs.

I looked through the pages to find a note on the second page. " I wish I could return the feelings but I can't. I'm so sorry Zayn! - Liam " the note said.

I felt a tear drop on my songbook.

I was humiliated.
My heart had been broken.

I decided to write a song in my songbook.

I named it more than this.

I went to Louis and Harry's room. I knocked on their door. A shirtless Louis answered the door.

" What's wrong Zaynie?!?" Louis asked me. " Liam knows " I whispered my voice breaking. I broke into tears.

Harry went to the door. " come in " he said taking my hands and pulling me into the room.

I sat on their bed.

" So Liam found out about your little crush eh ?" Louis asked.

" Lou nows not the time for teasing!" Harry said smacking Lou on the shoulder. " Oww!" Lou said rubbing his shoulder.

While Larry was bickering I heard Li sing something quietly.

Apparently Larry heard it too because they turned to the door and ran to it and opened it to find Liam singing.

Liam went into the room and me???!!??

The rest of the band started to sing too.

Niall also entered the room and sang.

That evil leprechaun was dead.

I glared at Niall.

At the end of the song Liam and I kissed.

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